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Lesson #5

The Judgment of Apostasy, verses 14 - 16

VS - 14 - And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints.

And Enoch also - Enoch was the son of Jared, and he was the father of Methuselah. Methuselah is the oldest person on record, living for 969 years, (Gen 5:21). Luke 3:37 tells us that Enoch was the father of Methuselah. Enoch and Methuselah were living just prior to the flood. Enoch was "translated" (taken) to glory and Methuselah died just before the flood. Actually, the translation of Enoch, and the death of Methuselah were warnings to the antedeluvian civilization of the coming disaster. The word "also" tells us that Jude considers Enoch to be similar to him in that Enoch warned against apostates just as he is doing.

The seventh from Adam - This simply clarifies which Enoch Jude is talking about. You can find his story in Genesis 5:18-24. Enoch had a successful life as a believer on the earth, (Gen 5:24). He was taken to heaven apart from physical death. This is also taught in Gen 5:24, and Heb 11:5. But Jude adds something about Enoch. Enoch was not only a great believer, but he was a communicator of Bible doctrine, he was a prophet.

Prophesied of these - Enoch was a prophet and therefore he communicated spiritual truth concerning apostates. Jude said that "Enoch prophesied," but this does not mean that it was written down. So just because no quotation can be found by Enoch in the Scripture to verify Jude's statement, it does not mean that Enoch did not say this. We have a similar situation given in Matthew 27:9, "Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying, 'And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value." Now this statement is recorded in Zechariah 11:12, but not in the book of Jeremiah. And this simply means that Jeremiah taught this, but he DID NOT WRITE IT DOWN. This is the same principle as in Jude 14 concerning Enoch.

It should also be noted that Enoch did not prophecy concerning apostates of the Church Age because he knew nothing about any Church Age. The Church Age was a mystery, which was unknown to the Old Testament prophets. None of them knew anything about any Church Age. Therefore, the prophesies of Enoch refers to the apostates in the Tribulation period just before the second advent of Jesus Christ.

Literally, "And Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these men."

I want you to notice that these writers of Scripture, under the power of the Holy Spirit usually mention apostate men, not apostate women. Don't misunderstand; there are apostate women. But under the concept of authority and responsibility the woman is under the authority of the man. And if the woman is apostate, the man is basically responsible for laying down the law and causing the woman to follow the path of truth, at least overtly. Keep in mind that man's ideas and customs and social situations change constantly, but the Word of God is as unchangeable as God Himself. And the Word of God says that the woman is under the authority of the man, and she is not to take that authority from him. I Timothy 2:12, "But I do not allow a woman to teach (as a pastor or minister) or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet." Paul is referring to a public ministry that places the one teaching in a position of authority over a man. There is nothing unbiblical concerning a woman teaching a Sunday School class where there are no men in the class. Colossians 3:18, "Wives, be obedient to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord." Ephesians 5:2, "Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord." The point I want make here, is that men are responsible to God in creating an atmosphere of Biblical standards in the Christian realm, not women. God is going to hold men responsible for the decline of spiritual values and the move into apostasy. Literally, "And Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these men."

Saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints - The "coming" of the Lord here refers to the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. The words, "ten thousands" means, "an innummerable multitude." The word "saints" refers to those who have been saved, those who have accepted Jesus Christ. This word is in the feminine gender in the Greek which refers to "the Lord's bride." The bride of Christ refers to believers in Jesus Christ in the Church Age. Revelation 21:9 says, "I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife." See also Matthew 25:5. (See Bible Lesson on Sainthood: The Bible's Teaching On Sainthood

Enoch faced a lot of unbeliever apostasy in his day. Therefore, he preached to these unbelievers and told them about their apostasy, and told them what would eventually happen to all apostasy. And he used as his illustration, the apostates of the Tribulation period just prior to the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. He told them of the Baptism of Fire, when all unbelievers would be completely removed from the earth and thrown into fire. No one ever prophesied about the future without relating it to the present. And future events as prophesied in the Old Testament were used to warn people at that time. Enoch could not use the past to illustrate apostasy because there wasn't much past at that time, so he went into the future to get his illustration of apostasy and the judgment of it.

EXPANDED TRANSLATION VERSE 14: - "And Enoch, the seventh from Adam also prophesied concerning these men, saying, 'Behold, the Lord will definitely come with an innumerable number of His saints."

VS - 15 - To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

I want you to notice that the word "ungodly" is used four separate times in this verse.

To execute judgment upon all - The word "execute" is a translation of the Greek word POIEO meaning, "to accomplish, to fulfill, to perform, to carry out." The word for "judgment" actually refers to the act of judging, or administrating justice. The phase "upon all" refers to all those who are apostate unbelievers at the end of the Tribulation.

"To carry out judgment against all." But before we can have a judgment we must have a trial.

And to convince all that are ungodly of all their ungodly deeds - (17) The Greek word translated "convince" is ELEGCHO, which means, "to convict, or to expose." In exposing or convicting the apostates, God is carrying out justice.

The word "ungodly"(18) is used twice in this phrase and means, "wicked, sinful and godless." So here in this phrase we see "those that are GODLESS, and that they perform GODLESS acts."

Since they have rejectd God's plan of salvation, and since they have rejected Jesus Christ as their own personal Savior, the only thing that they have left to stand on is their own "godless deeds or works." These works are nothing more than human good. Ungodly deeds do not only refer to sin and evil. Ungodly deeds refer to anything that is done apart from God. It can be helping the helpless, but if it is done apart from God, it is an ungodly deed. It may be an action that involves stopping crime, or child abuse, or a drug pusher, but if that action is done apart from God it is ungodly.

Their trial includes the fact that the accumulation of their human good is not satisfactory, and it is not a basis for a relationship with God. Ephesians 2:8-9 actually gives us the same principle. "For by grace you are saved, through faith, it is the gift of God and not of works lest any one should boast." It is impossible to be saved by good deeds, no matter how good they may appear to be. Acts 16:31 says, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved....." John 3:16 tells us that "....whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but has everlasting life." It is very important to understand that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the unbeliever as well as for the sins of the believer. Therefore, when it comes to judgment, the unbeliever must be judged on the basis of his deeds, not his sins. Since he refused God's plan of salvation, he automatically accepts his own plan of salvation, which is depending on his good works being enough to enter heaven. But God says, "NO!" Individuals can only be saved on the basis of the work of Jesus Christ. The issue in salvation is divine good vs human good. The divine good was Jesus Christ's work or deed on the cross paying the penalty of sin on behalf of every human being who has ever lived and who will ever live. Human good on the other hand says, "I don't need the work of Jesus Christ, all I have to do is to be good and do good and God will smile and welcome me into heaven when I die." That is a lie from Satan himself.

The unbeliever who lives until the end, and survives the rule of antichrist will face the judgment of the Baptism of Fire. This judgment occurs at the Second Advent of Jesus Christ to the earth. The second judgment the unbeliever will face will be The Great White Throne Judgment at the end of time. That will not be a judgment to determine his future destiny, because that was decided in time by his rejection of God's salvation through Jesus Christ. The Great White Throne Judgment is where the Lord judges all unbelievers on their good works to show them that human good works were not enough. Everyone who stands at the Great White Throne Judgment will be thrown into the Lake of Fire to live for all eternity. Literally, "To execute judgment against all, and to convict all the godless concerning all their ungodly actions, mental and overt."

Which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

Which they have ungodly committed - The Greek literally says, "Which they did in an ungodly manner."

And of all their hard speeches - This refers to offensive things that were said. This refers to many categories of the sins of the tongue. Literally, "Concerning all the offensive things."

Which ungodly sinners have spoken against him - This refers to "offensive things" against Jesus Christ.

EXPANDED TRANSLATION VERSE 15: "To execute judgment against all, and to convict all the godless concerning all their ungodly actions (mental and overt), which they did in an ungodly manner, and concerning the offensive things they said aginst him (Jesus Christ)."

VS 16: These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage.

This verse gives us a five-fold application of the things that we have been studying about apostates. These are:

(A) - "Murmurers."
(B) - "Complainers."
(C) - "Walking after their own lusts."
(D) - "Their mouth speaketh great swelling words."
(E) - "Having men's persons in admiration because of advantage."

These - This refers to the apostates in our context, and gives us a principle concerning all apostates.

Are murmurers - The Greek word GOGGUSTES means, "to grumble, to express an indignant complaint." This refers to a characteristic of apostasy which is negative volition toward the Word of God. They are not only critical of Bible doctrine, but they are critical of the ones who communicate it. Their attitude is one of being malcontent, and they express their malcontentment.

PRINCIPLE - Negative volition toward Bible doctrine leads to a critical attitude toward Bible doctrine. Therefore, these apostates are malcontent, and they express their malcontentment through their grumbling.

Literally, "These apostates keep on being grumblers." Or, "These apostates are always grumblers."

Complainers - The Greek word is MEMPSIMOIROS, meaning, "finding fault, quarrelsome, a discontented quarrelsome person." In other words, the critical attitude advances to the point of fault finding. So this refers to being highly critical. Someone who actually looks for things to criticize. These individuals are very discontented.

Walking after their own lusts - This means, "Living a life according to their lust patterns." There are different types of lust patterns in the sinful nature, such as:

(A) - Approbation lust.
(B) - Power lust.
(C) - Materialism lust.
(D) - Sexual lust.
These are only a few to give you the principle.

Literally, "These apostates keep on being grumblers, complainers, living their lives according to the standard of their own lust patterns." Or, it could be translated "These keep on being grumblers, discontented complainers, constantly moving around seeking to gratify their own lust patterns."

Apostates are very unstable individuals and are motivated by the lust patterns in their sinful natures.

Their mouths speaketh great swelling words - The word "mouth" means "the faculty of speech." But it refers to much more than just words. In English we have a phrase that says "shut your mouth," which mean , "to stop talking." The mouth may remain open or closed, but the concept means "to stop talking." So this word here refers to the mouth in the operation of talking.

The word "speaketh" means, "to talk, to use the faculty of speech, to communicate to others."

The phrase "great swelling words," is a compound noun in the Greek. HUPEROGKOS. HUPER, a prefixed preposition meaning, "over, beyond, more than." And OGKOS meaning, "bulk, weight, boastful, swelling." Therefore, HUPEROGKOS means, "overweight, overswollen, boastful, arrogant, puffed up, over sized." In other words, the apostate communicates ideas that appeal to human pride. Ideas such as helping the helpless. It makes an individual feel good to help someone at sometime, and there is nothing wrong in that in itself. But many people satisfy a guilt complex by helping someone. The entire cosmic, Satanic system of socialism is based on "great swelling words," or "boastful ideas that appeal to human arrogance."

When a nation begins to become decadant it always has certain people in that nation who suffer from some sort of guilt complex. And in order to compensate for a guilt complex they go in for some system of do-goodism. The entire social gospel, or social action as promoted by the National Council of Churches is a perfect illustration of the communication of ideas that appeal to pride, arrogance, and to guilt complexes. Such as:

(1) - International friendship and disarmament. This appeals to pride in the sense of causing one to think that international friendship and disarmament can achieve world peace. This appeals to the arrogance of man in causing him to think that he can accomplish great and lasting peace. International friendship and disarmament are "great and swelling words."

(2) - A national welfare system: This appeals to a guilt complex. When some people see others struggling and suffering and living without many of the finer things in life, they begin to have guilt, and begin to think, "Why should I have what I have, and others have nothing?" Or it could even be the ones suffering, saying to the successful, "Why do you have all that, and I have nothing?" This is also used by some to give them a guilt complex. I have great compassion for those people who suffer every day, for those who have no place to live and don't know where their next meal is coming from. But I never feel guilty because I have what I have, and they don't. A guilt complex is a sin. But many are using it for motivation to perform good deeds, and the leaders in our government are using it to pass evil laws that will drain the precious human resources from our land.

(3) - Affirmative action programs: These programs are very evil, unfair, and take precious freedom from the citizens of our country. These programs also appeal to arrogant, guilt ridden souls. The arrogant ones are the ones receiving the benefit of these programs. They are demanding recognition, and promotion, or employment without earning it. Anyone who demands to be placed in a job, or promoted in his job because of his race, or his sex, or his religion is an arrogant person. Those in the guilt complex crowd are the ones who feel guilty because of all the injustices they see, so they pass the laws to take freedom away from employers and educators in an attempt to solve the problem of injustices. The Bible is very clear in telling us that this will never work.

This phrase "great swelling words" does not mean that these people talk like fools. But this means that they can speak in an eloquent, humble, and sophisticated manner. But the content of their speaking is "great swelling words." It is boastful and arrogant. They are communicating ideas to others who have a guilt complex or who are prone to being arrogant. They are talking to others who are negative toward the Word of God. These ideas give them a cause of action whereby they can satisfy their guilt complex, and they "feel" good about themselves. Their minds and hearts are far from God, but they "feel" good.

Literally, "These keep on being grumblers, complainers, walking according to the standard of their own lust pattern, and their mouth continually communicates great swelling words." Or, "These apostates are always grumbling, complaining, constantly living their lives seeking to gratify their own lust patterns, and their mouths continually communicate ideas that appeal to pride and guilt."

Having men's persons in admiration - This refers to desiring to please men rather than God. In other words, these apostastes "cater to individuals." That is their motivation in life.

Because of advantage - This refers to "gaining the advantage," Or, "for their own advantage."

EXPANDED TRANSLATION VERSE 16: "These apostates are always grumblers and fault finders, constantly living their lives in seeking to gratify their own lust patterns. Their speech communicates ideas which appeals to pride and guilt, flattering individuals for the sake of gaining their own advantage."

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