Today's buyer has been made price sensitive by an over supplied market and by salespeople who don't understand their product or have confidence in the product they offer. Most salespeople have little or no idea how to prove the value of their product or service.
When the buyer has nothing else by which to judge relative value we find the salesperson and price become the decision making criteria. Studies show that satisfied buyers make their decisions based on the following priorities in this order: 1. Confidence, 2. Quality, 3. Selection, 4. Service, and 5. Price. Price is usually made more important by the salesperson: not the buyer.
Making the right choice can be easier than you think. To avoid agonizing over making the wrong decision just ask yourself the following questions and get the answers to the five things your boat salesperson won't tell you !
Question: Has my salesperson made clear:
1. What are they going to do to save me time, money and
2. How will they back up claims represented about their
3. How long has the dealership been in business?
4. How will the product meet my needs/solve my problem?
Does your salesperson say"I'm a salesperson you can trust".
The Hidden Areas Tell The Story
Look For:
1. Raw Wood-seats, under floor,transom,etc.
2. Accessibility-engine compartment, storage,underdash, rod lockers,live wells.
3. Neatness in Fit and Finish-i.e. windshield, seats, storage and rod lockers.
4. Wiring-neatness and accessibility.
5. Equipment Loacation-fuel filler, life jacket storage, batteries, rod lockers, etc.
6. Gelcoat-clarity and imperfections,thickness.
Has my Salesperson?
1. Understood my needs and shown me different boats so that I have a choice of horsepower, size, cost, brand and style.
2. Shown me a picture in a brochure or explained that the boat is in stock so I can have a closer inspection before making my decision.
3. Represented that the dealership stocks a cross section of accessories,equipment and options that will make my purchase fit my needs and requirements and not just what he/she thinks I need.
Has my Salesperson?
1. Told me what he/she and the dealership will do for me to make my decision enjoyable and my purchase a pleasurable experience.
2. Told me what the annual cost of maintenance will be after the first season.
3. Shown me that their service center can fill all my needs by providing:
Major and Minor Mechanical Service
A Fully Stocked Parts Department
A Fiberglass and Restoration Department
An Upholstery and Canvas Department
Secure Storage Year Around
Convenient Hours of Operation
Quality People Commited to Helping Me Have Fun
A Quick Turnaround Time Prioritizing its Customers First
Has My Salesperson Proven?
1. Proper Value for my hard earned dollar?
2. A price range equal to products on the market with equal features.
3. Resale Value ranking high among top contenders.
4. That the dealership can assist in financing.
It is unwise to spend too little for the products you are shopping for. The lower the price the higher the risk for the buyer. You might just find that the product you purchased at the low price doesn't properly solve your needs. Low price items in any market are difficult to resell.
Remember, it's no bargain unless a product fits your needs and solves your problems. If not, it's no deal at any price you pay.
When you spend a little more for a product you will find it will have a greater success rate of solving your problems with a lower risk of failure and a higher resale value. This gives you a better return on your hard earned dollars.