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RPG Stats By:
YF-27 in Soldier Mode NATHANIEL A. ROSE
Mecha Artistic Designs By:


The YF-27 Prototype Advanced Combat Fighter (ACF) was designed and built in 2045 by a company called Insider as an entry into a heavy mecha program called Project Magnum II. This project was nothing compared to the Project Super Nova involving the YF-19 and YF-21 Advanced Variable Fighters by the U.N. Spacy. Project Magnum II is a more heavily top secret project because of the advanced development of transforming mecha more powerful than the MK VI Magnum. The Magnum, being one of the most powerful Mechanized Robot Vehicles ever created by the U.N. Spacy, is being out-flown, and out-fought by a new alien prototype mecha. One of the problems that the U.N. Spacy now has is that the MK VI Magnum has fallen prey to a smaller, faster, and more maneuverable Zentraedi mecha that seems to have appeared out of nowhere.

U.N. Spacy Intelligence has nick-named the new enemy fighter the Gumpda. With the dawn of this threat from the Zentraedi, the U.N. Spacy has ordered operation Magnum II into full swing. The YF-27 is one of four advanced prototypes that are to be plunged into the project. One of the YF-27's competitors is the YF-2JA Advanced Atmosphere/Space Fighter, another is the YF-23 Advanced Tactical Fighter, and the last is the YF-XX Advanced Zentran Fighter which is mostly anticipated for Zentran and Meltran fighter pilots. These fighters will compete on a two week schedule of grueling tests and impossible combat scenarios. The pilot and fighter with the most points at the end of the two week period is declared the winner and best over-all performance fighter.

One of the hard points in the Magnum II Project is that all four selected pilots are from the same squadron, known as the "Annihilators." Four of the best Annihilator pilots have been selected for this Project, one is a Zentran known as Slayer. He adopted this name after emerging from the clone chambers of a Zentraedi starship some 25 years ago. He has been selected to pilot the YF-XX Advanced Zentran Fighter. Second Lieutenant Slick Arthur has been selected to pilot the YF-2JA Advanced Atmosphere/Space Fighter. While his partner, Jack Gates, who will be flying the YF-27. Private Chantel Valjean who has been assigned to the YF-23 Advanced Tactical Fighter, will also be flying with them. Each pilot will receive special advanced training to their fighters by the companies sponsoring the heavy assault mechas. Each will become fully familiar with the fighter and learn to respect each others fighters as well as their own. Unfortunately this band of selected pilots is the most cockiest, stubborn, and gung-ho type of pilots ever assembled!


Vehicle Type: YF-27 (Initial Prototype for Project Magnum II, callsign "Beta One")
Class: Advanced Combat Fighter (Prototype)
Manufacturer: Insider Development Company
Crew: One pilot wearing a Tactical Life Support System

* Head Lasers (2): 30 ea.
* Head Sensor Unit: 100
Arms (2): 120 ea.
* Hands (2): 50 ea.
Legs/Thrusters (2): 220 ea.
** Main Body: 450
Wings (2): 200 ea.
* Tails (2): 75 ea.
* HS-SX (Optional): 100
*** Left Arm Shield: 600
**** Reinforced Pilots Compartment/Escape pod: 200
***** Energy Shield Barrier: 100
Space Fold Generator (1; Optional): 200
* These targets are either small and/or difficult to hit, attacker is -4 to strike. Note: If the Head Sensor unit is destroyed, all sensors are destroyed except radar and communications.
** Depleting the MDC of the Main Body will completely shut the mecha down.
*** Destroying the left arm shield will also destroy the Super Cannon as well.
**** Once the MDC of the Main Body has been reduced to 0, the escape pod will jettison off into space. If in an atmosphere environment, parachutes will deploy to soften the impact as much as possible.
***** The Energy Shield Barrier regenerates itself 3D6x10 MDC per melee round. Depleting the MDC of the Energy Shield Barrier to 0 will not permanently disable the shield. By the next melee round or initiative, add 3D6x10 MDC to the Energy Shield Barrier.

120 mph (192 km/h) 60 mph (96 km/h) in Gerwalk
100 ft (30 m) high or 200 ft (60 m) across without boosters
Mach 6 (6,432 km/h) in space. Mach 3 (3,216 km/h) in atmosphere-like conditions in Gerwalk mode only.
Mach 3 (3,216 km/h) in space. Mach 1.5 (1608 km/h) in atmosphere-like conditions in Soldier mode only.
Mach 9.5 (10,184 km/h) in space. Mach 5 (5,360 km/h) in atmosphere-like conditions in Jet mode only. The YF-27 has enough thrust to achieve orbit without the assistance of a space booster sled. Once orbit is attained, the speed of the fighter increases dramatically.

YF-27 in Gerwalk Mode

43 ft (13.03 m) in soldier configuration.
22 ft (6.66 m) in gerwalk configuration.
16 ft (4.84 m) in jet configuration.
11.3 ft (3.42 m) at shoulder in soldier configuration.
38.7 ft (11.72 m) from wing tip to wing tip in gerwalk configuration.
45 ft (13.63 m) with wings fully extended in jet configuration.
14 ft (4.24 m) in soldier configuration.
40 ft (12.12 m) in gerwalk configuration.
52 ft (15.75 m) in jet configuration.
25 tons fully loaded (23 tons empty). Otherwise the vehicle is weightless in the vacuum of space.
Equal to a PS of 60
There is a small compartment behind the pilot's seat for personal belongings or other small items.
Two Pratt & Whitney/General Electric TNSF-1000 Thermo-Nuclear-Super-Fan engines, plus two General Electric HMIE-200 High Maneuvering Intake Engines mounted on the wings, plus two Shinsei Industries PEFC-2000 Power Engine Flight Control engines mounted on the back of the legs. All engines powered by the P&W/GE TNSF-1000 Thermo-Nuclear-Super-Fan engines.


1. Twin Head Lasers: These lasers are mounted on the head of the of the mecha and can be fired in any configuration.
Primary Purpose: Assault/Anti-missile
Range: 4,000 feet (1200 m)
Mega-Damage: 3D6 MD per laser blast
6D6 MD Fire-linked
Rate of Fire: Equal to pilots own hand-to-hand combat attacks
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2. Nose Pulse Cannon: This high powered Air to Air laser cannon can be fired when only in jet and gerwalk configurations, but the result is devastating.
Primary Purpose: Assault/Defense
Range: 4,000 feet (1200 m)
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilots own hand-to-hand combat attacks.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3. HS-SX Heavy Gun Pod: This is the latest from the design lab. Fires a high intensity plasma beams and for an added melee advantage has a non-retractable bayonet mounted under the barrel of the gun pod.

Primary Purpose: Assault/Anti-mecha
Range: 5000 feet (1515 m)
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10 per blast!
Bayonet: 1D6x10 per stab/slice
1D4x10 blunt attack
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilots own hand-to-hand combat attacks.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; although, after firing the gun 20 times, it takes one full melee round to recharge itself!
4. Super Cannon: The ability to destroy a Monster mecha with one blast satisfies the glory in one shot one kill tactics. This toy is powerful, expensive, but fun. Not to mention a power-sucker.
Primary Purpose: Heavy Assault/Heavy Mecha-Elimination
Range: 1000 feet (303 m)
Mega-Damage: 1D6+1x100 per blast!
Rate of Fire: 1 shot every other melee, needs time to recharge
Note: A quick way to recharge the Super Cannon is to transfer energy over from the barrier shield at the cost of 1/3 its main MDC. The Super Cannon CAN fire with the barrier shield active but the shield must be active first and can only be fired in soldier configuration. Payload: Effectively Unlimited

5. Hand To Hand Combat: Instead of firing a weapon, the pilot can engage in hand-to-hand combat instead.
Restrained Punch - 1D6 MD Full Strength - 2D6+2 MD
Power Punch - 3D6+6 MD Tear or Pry - 1D6 MD Kick - 3D6 MD
Leap Kick - 4D6+6 MD Tackle - 1D6+4 MD Throw - 2D6 MD
Stomp - 1D6 MD


This special edition fighter is equipped with a computerized auto-pilot that the pilot can engage at any time during the flight to reach a specific waypoint. To engage the automated system, the pilot punches in his target coordinates, desired speed, and hits the start button. He or she can then sit back and relax or even sleep. An alarm sounds and the auto-pilot disengages when the vessel is within a few minutes of its destination; the pilot takes over from there. The auto-pilot system was designed with long space journeys in mind and exhausted fighter pilots returning to their base of operations after long hours of combat.
Cargo Area
A small is located behind the seat of the YF-27. This area is large enough to comfortably hold one human sized passenger. As many as two people can fit in the cargo bay, but they will be squashed and uncomfortable. Note that there are no seats in the cargo cavity behind the pilot's seat and passengers must sit on the floor of the craft. This means that they may be buffeted about and sustain minor injury (mainly bumps and
Combat Computer
Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the cockpit computer screen or heads-up display (HUD) of the pilot's helmet. Patches in with the targeting computer.
Computer Targeting
Range: 50 miles (80 km). Assists in the identification and tracking of specific enemy targets. The system has 10,000 images stored in memory and can be programmed to include 10,000 new targets. It can identify and track 144 targets simultaneously.
Ejector Seat
In case of emergencies, the pilot's seat can be instantly ejected from the fighter craft. However, the pilot is then vulnerable to outside attacks.
External Audio Pickup Range
300 ft (91.5 m). A sound amplification listening system has been installed to carefully pick up a mouse fart at 300 feet away.
Fuel Capacity
The YF-27 runs on two nuclear powered engines capable of producing enough power to power all the engines and systems aboard the craft. The YF-27 has an average life span of about 50 some-odd years under very heavy usage. The YF-27 will last approximately 25 years if the fighter is used every three hours every day until then.
Heating and Cooling System
The temperature and humidity of the pilot's compartment are automatically regulated by the heating and cooling systems. A small refrigeration unit for preserving food, water and specimens is connected to this system. Refrigerator is approximately 26 inches (52 cm) wide.
Heat and Radiation Shields
Special shielding prevents the penetration of life threatening heat and radiation. A radiation detection and alarm system are linked with the shields and will sound an alarm if there is a rupture in the shields and what the levels of radiation are.
Homing Signal
The YF-27 is equipped with a homing device built into the pilot's compartment. This enables rescue teams to locate disabled craft. The range of the signal 400 miles (640 km) in space or about 100 miles (160 km) in Earth's atmosphere.
Tactical Life Support System
The YF-27's cockpit is pressurized, and also provides additional air feeds to the pilot's flight suit that provides him with pressurized
breathing. The U.N. Spacy flight suit also contains an upper and lower G-suit that promotes blood circulation even during High-G turns, thus decreasing the possibility of pilot's blacking out in combat.
Laser Targeting System
Range: 100 miles (160 km). Used for increased accuracy in the striking of enemy targets and is partly responsible for the mecha's strike bonus.
A loudspeaker system is built into the craft. It is used to amplify the pilot's voice up to 90 decibels.
Optics: Infrared, Ultra-violet, Nightvision, and Thermo-Imaging
Infrared: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). This optical system projects a beam of infrared light that is invisible to the normal eye. The infrared beam enables the pilot to see other infrared beams.
Ultra-violet: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). The ultraviolet system enables the pilot to see into the ultraviolet spectrum of light and is mostly used to detect the light beams of ultraviolet detection systems. The infrared light beam can be seen by anybody who also has infrared optics. Therefore, the light beam can be followed back to its source. Note: Smoke impairs and blocks the vision/beam, rendering it temporarily useless.
Nightvision: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). A passive light image intensifier, meaning it emits no light of its own, but relies on ambient light which is electronically amplified to give a visible picture.
Thermo-Imager: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). A special optical heat sensor allows the infrared radiation of warm objects to be converted into a visible image. It enables the pilot to see in the dark, in shadows, and through smoke. It also adds a +10% bonus to characters with a tracking skill.
Range: 200 miles (321 km). Can track up to 250 targets simultaneously. Note: This does not add to the Targeting Computer's ability to track and identify different targets at once. The radar can ONLY pick up targets that are airborne and above tree-top level of about 150 feet (45 m). The radar cannot pick up targets in a wooded or forested area nor pick up targets in canyons, caves, or large mountainous regions with many peaks.
Radio/Video Communications
Long range, directional communications system with satellite relay capabilities. Range: 600 miles (960 km) or can be boosted indefinitely via satellite relay.
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment/Escape Pod
The entire reinforced cockpit of the YF-27 is a detachable escape pod that can be jettisoned when the mecha is destroyed. The ejected cockpit does not contain thrusters, but does contain a powerful homing beacon (See above) and an integrated life support system that can support the pilot up to 24 hours after ejection. The pod is also equipped with parachutes in case of ejection in an atmosphere. The combat computer is programmed to automatically eject the escape pod if the mecha is destroyed (main body is reduced to 0), but this can be overridden if the pilot is feeling suicidal for some reason.
To prevent capture or to sacrifice itself in a last ditch effort to save others, the pilot can eject and activate the fighter craft to explode. The explosive damage is contained within an 80 foot (24 m) area and inflicts 3D4x10 MD to everything within 40 feet (12 m) and half damage to everything after that within 80 feet. All internal and mechanical systems are obliterated, making a salvage operation pointless.
Standard Survival Kit
This is a survival kit that the pilot personally adds his own items to. He or she may add anything from weapons to medical supplies to foodstuffs. However, each survival kit is limited to the number of items which can be stored in it, so each player should roll 1D6+1 to determine how many items he or she can store in the kit.

YF-27 in Jet Mode
Note: Due to the prototype nature of the YF-27, it is recommended, but not required, that a player should start with the Basic Combat Training. GM's, use your discretion. Each player who achieves two levels of experience after receiving Basic Combat Training should adapt the Advanced Combat Training skills to his or her character stats. GM's, be sure the player's erase the Basic Combat Training Bonuses and add on the new one's, including those bonuses of the pilot!

* 3 attacks per melee (plus those of pilot)
* Add one additional action/attack at levels 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, and 15
* +3 to strike
* +3 to parry and roll with punch, fall, or impact/explosion
* +3 to dodge in soldier, +5 in gerwalk, and +7 in jet configurations
* Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand
* Body block/tackle/ram - 2D4 MD plus a 50% chance of knocking opponent down, causing him to loose initiative and one attack that melee round.
* 5 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot)
* Add two additional attacks at levels 3, 6, 9
* +4 on initiative
* +4 to strike
* +4 to parry
* +6 to dodge in soldier, +8 in gerwalk, and +10 in jet mode
* +4 to roll with punch, fall, or impact/explosion
* Leap Dodge (Only available if passed through Basic Combat Training!)
* Body block/tackle/ram - 2D4 MD plus a 60% chance of knocking opponent down, causing him to loose initiative and one attack that melee round.
Note: GM's, warn your players that this mecha is really powerful! For this reason I have excluded any missiles from being put onto this mecha. THIS MECHA CANNOT CARRY ANY MISSILES OF ANY TYPE FOR ANY REASON!