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How Does it Work you ask?

Calorad® is a protein supplement, more specifically a collagen supplement, that enhances the body's process of rejuvenation and repair. If you have read the bestseller, 'Enter the Zone', by Barry Sears, PH.D., you are aware that the first 45 to 90 minutes of sleep are a period of productivity and repair in the body. In fact, Calorad is a 'Zone-favorable snack", as one tablespoon contains 4 grams of protein and only 14 calories.

One tablespoon of Calorad®, when taken just before you go to sleep on an empty stomach, (with a glass of water) fuels and feeds this process.

Calorad® works to sustain daytime energy levels when taken in the above "nightime" manner. For endurance and stamina, Calorad® can also be taken during the day approximately one half hour before meals. Athletes can take Calorad® 45 minutes before working out to support endurance and strength.

The only behavior shift necessary is you must NOT eat any food 3 hours prior to sleep. In most diets, the behavior modification is to deprive the body of calories or specific food groups (like carbohydrates). This leads perhaps to some quick fix weight reduction but results in the loss of muscle mass which is imperative for efficient food processing.

Why? Because unless the calories we consume are burned up by the body's muscles, they are stored by the body as fat. The more lean muscle mass we have, the more calories will be burned up by those muscles so they won't turn into fat!

In most diets, up to 30% of muscle mass is sacrificed for weight loss. With Calorad®, the building of muscle is what encourages the weight reduction and consequently, people lose inches as well as pounds. In fact, many people lose inches before they ever lose a pound, fitting differently in their clothes or perhaps dropping a dress/pant size without noticing any changes on the scale. Sometimes people will initially put on weight but lose inches because muscle weighs more than twice as much as fat, yet has only one fifth the volume!

The results show up differently in each body. Some will experience noticeable results in the first week and some not until the third month. Some will lose steadily at a very slow rate (perhaps one pound every two weeks) and some will plateau out for awhile. Calorad® supports differently for different body types. Each individual needs to maintain an awareness of how they are feeling and looking. Be especially aware of comments friends may make as the days go by... they are usually the first to say, "Gee, you look great! Are you losing weight?" This will open the door for you to tell them about this exciting new product you've discovered!!!

An incredible 86% of Calorad® users will experience some positive weight loss results within the first 90 days! Fifty percent of these people will see a result within the first month, 25% within 60 days and the remaining 25% within 90 days. Only about 14% will not experience desired weight loss - for reasons ranging from latent thyroid problems to personal chemistry. This 14% will, however, benefit from the ingredients in Calorad® in much the same way they benefit from taking vitamin or mineral supplements.

•Calorad has the greatest success rate over a three month period of time. We strongly suggest that you give Calorad a minimum of three months to see what it can do for you.
