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Warm Greetings Unto the Fair Shire of Lough Devnaree

Good Gentles, I have asked your Seneschal, Captain Etienne, to read this letter to you in open meeting that you may know of the completion of a knightly quest. Some time ago at the XXIXth Pennsic War I went to seek out the Crown of Drachenwald, that I might offer my sword to defend my erstwhile homeland once again. At the embassy, I ran into my old friend Lord Seamus, serving as Ambassador, and the redoubtable Captain Etienne. They told me that the Crown, for the first time in history, was not present at the War, being occupied with important Matters of State at home. I was much disappointed, for a true knight is never so valiant save when in service to a Noble Crown, as I knew King Michael surely to be. Worse, without the Crown present, the Expeditionary Force was small-- not at all befitting a mighty, if young, Sovereign Kingdom. After some discussion, I resolved to do more for my former Kingdom than merely swing a sword. I had already made some contacts with expatriate members of the Company of Sojourners and bade them join me for Drachenwald. But as august a company as that was, we needed more. First I appealed to my liege-lord, the powerful Duke Talymar gyn y Llen, Knight of the Society and Master of the Pelican. He gladly offered himself, his knights and all their squires in my cause. Next, I begged assistance from the noble Baron Amaranth Wolfbane, Knight of the Society and Founding Baron of the Fenix, in whose lands I dwell. He pledged the entire Baronial Army with himself at it’s head. Last I secured the personal troops of the talented Master Lothar von Drachenstein, Companion of the Laurel and vassal to Viscount Sir Axel Taavista, 12th Prince of Drachenwald. Master Lothar was only too happy to rally round the banner of his former homeland and brought a sizable number of stout fighters with him.

I will save the tales of the battle for another time, but I will tell you that many great deeds were done that day in the name of Drachenwald. (Rumors that I fell defending a brothel in the town battle are surely exaggerated.) What happened next sets the tale: in recognition of our service, the Crown was gracious enough to grant to each of the Peers lands in Drachenwald. Baron Amaranth received Heidelburg Castle and University, where he was once a student; Master Lothar got Ronnenburg Castle, where he spent many happy hours training with his knight in his youth; Duke Talymar was gifted with Harlech Castle, near and dear to his persona; lastly, I received the Citadel of Jaffa, where I served mundanely in the Great Crusade. All were surprised and pleased at the generosity of the Crown-- especially His Grace Talymar, who threw a great feast in celebration.

I, on the other hand, felt somewhat guilty. A True Knight serves without a thought for reward and moreover, when Prince Karl II made me Champion, I swore a solemn oath to defend the land. I hadn’t counted on being granted pieces of it! Time passed and I considered the matter most carefully. Finally, in the Reign of King Garick, I went to His Majesty and begged for some way to relieve the burden on my soul. The King would not take back the land, for to do so would belittle the noble contributions of the others. Neither would He release me from my vows, nor did I want to be released. In His Wisdom, the King set me to a Quest-- to aid the warriors of one of Drachenwald’s many isolated and far-flung shires, to take it under my patronage that the martial art there may prosper and grow.

The choice would have been easy anyway. But my beautiful lady wife, Viscountess Katharina von der Waldweise, would not hear of my even considering another group to "adopt" than her beloved Lough Devnaree. Some of your newer members may not remember Her Excellency, but to this day, she speaks with fondness of the warmth and hospitality she received at the hands of the Good Gentles of your shire when she came to visit early in Her Reign. She was so taken with the good works of your Seneschal then, that she promptly ordered the scribes to begin preparing an Award of Arms for him-- your very own Lord Seamus Donn. I have heard that it was the first in the shire and it was well deserved.

So, here we are. This package is the first of many that will shortly be coming your way. The first gift I give you is Knowledge. Contained herein are the words and wisdom of many knights, all of them marshals and renowned warriors. I asked some of my brother knights to share their expertise on the martial arts with you, since you have so little regular discourse with knights in your own lands, due to your isolation. This is also a gift from Viscountess Katharina, who was tasked by the Imperium* to produce a series of such collections of wisdom so that the knowledge would not be lost. This is the first of the series, and it is dedicated to you. The subsequent packages will be of arms and armor, to be held in common by the members of the shire, so that you will have enough equipment to practice the martial arts safely. Lastly, I offer my gratitude, humble gift that it is. For you have treated my lady wife with kindness and generosity, rallied to my banner in war, and allowed me to complete my Quest.

Or perhaps, just begin it...


Sir Myles Blackheath, 22nd Viscount of Drachenwald

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