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Fight for Equality

In early times, homosexuality was accepted. As Christianity started to spread, homosexuality was seen as a sin and rejected as normal. Most views against gays were (and still are) negative, and some were even executed for it.

In 380, Gregory of Nazianzus ordered the burning of Sappho's poetry and then in 900, religious leaders order all copies of Sappho's work to be destroyed. Both of these orders were given because Sappho expressed of the love of women for other women

. In earlier times, there were harsh penalties for one convicted of homosexuality. In 1260, The Orleans Legal School organized a way to punish women found guilty of lesbianism in three steps: on the first charge, her clitoris was to be removed; on the second, she was to acquire further mutilation; and, on the third, she was to be burned on the stake.

Some people were even executed. In 1836 Britain, the last person who was convicted of homosexuality was executed. However, the law was not removed until 1861.

Some things did change a bit for the better. France decriminalized homosexuality between consenting adults in private in the year of 1910. Gays and lesbians also began to establish social institutions throughout major cities in the United States between the 1860's and the 1920's.

Lesbians began to gain recognition during the 1890's to the 1920's. On Sunday, June 6, 1886, Annie Hindle and Annie Ryan got married in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Hindle wore men's clothing and gave her name as Charles E. Hindle. She also gave her age as 31; she was actually 39 or 40. Annie Ryan was 22. Then, in 1896, two actresses kiss on American stage for the first time, and in 1922 "The God of Vengeance", came out as a play featuring a lesbian relationship.

In 1924, The Society for Human Rights is formed in Chicago. This was the first formally organized gay-rights movement. In addition, the Federal Bureau of Investigation named Emma Goldman the "most dangerous woman in America" because of her fight for gay rights and equality in 1923.

Things got really bad for homosexuals during Hitler's reign. In 1933, Hitler banned all gay press. About 12,000 books, periodicals, and documents were burned (probably some more of Sappho's work included). Then, on June 28, 1934, two hundred "homosexual pigs who besmirch the honor of the party" (Hitler) were executed in the anti-gay holocaust. Hitler began to mark homosexual males with the pink triangle and "socially unacceptable" (most likely including lesbians) females with black triangles in 1937.

Towards the end of World War II, situations for homosexuals slightly improved. In 1944 Sweden repealed their anti-gay laws. Then, in 1947 the first lesbian magazine, Vice-Versa, was published in Los Angeles.

During the Cold War in the 1950's, homosexuality was linked with Communism. Many Americans feared the lose of American life.

Homosexuality remained a felony is all states until the 1950's. An Idaho man was even sent to life imprisonment on a conviction.

Eisenhower was homophobic. In 1953, he prohibited gays and lesbians to work at federal jobs.

In 1953, One, a journal for the gay and lesbian community is published in Los Angeles. The Daughters of Biltis formed in San Francisco during the year of 1955. This was the first formally organized lesbian group. The first solid victory for the gay and lesbian community was won in 1958 when the Untied States Supreme Court ruled that One could be sent through mail. In 1961, Czechoslovakia repealed their anti-gay laws. In 1962, Illinois becomes the first state in the U.S. to decriminalize homosexual acts between two consenting adults in private. The Society for Individual Rights is found in San Francisco in the year of 1964.

During the 60's, lesbians and gays started to stand up for themselves. In 1965, many gays and lesbians picket Washington D.C. because of the negative treatment homosexuals where receiving in the military and at government positions. After police raid at Los Angeles bars on New Years, several hundred lesbians and gays rally on Sunset Boulevard in 1967. Probably the biggest point for homosexuals in America was the Stonewall riot in 1969. On June 27, the police raided a gay dance club and bar. Later, at New York's Stonewall Inn, gay rights activists riot for equality.

In 1967, Mary Young and Dawn DeBlanc serve 30 months for "unnatural carnal copulation" in Louisiana.

The word, "homosexual" was not even used in phonebooks until the late 1960's.

Between 1966 and 1968, many groups for lesbians and gays were formed on college campuses. The pink triangle was used as a symbol for gay pride during the 70's and, in 1971, Connecticut, Colorado, and Oregon repealed their sodomy statutes. In 1972, East Lansing, Michigan, became the first city to ban discrimination against homosexuals. Homosexuality was finally removed from the American Psychiatric Association's list of mental disorders in 1973. Also in 1973, The National Gay Task Force was formed. Later, "lesbian" was added and it became The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. The first openly gay person to be elected to office was Kathy Kozachenko of Ann Arbor in 1974. She was elected to the Michigan City Council. Later in 1974, Elaine Noble became the first openly gay person to be elected to state. She was elected to the Massachusetts Legislature. The first March of Washington for Gay Rights is held in 1979 and about two hundred thousand people attended.

In 1973, two Army WACs, Gail Bates and Valerie Randolph, were removed from the military for marrying.

In early 1977, Dade County in Florida passed an ordinance granting full rights and no discrimination towards homosexuals.

In 1978, a man named Dan White broke into the San Francisco's mayor's office and shot him to death for being gay. After that, he shot politically active (and openly gay) Supervisor Harvey Milk. White was tried and was only convicted on "voluntary manslaughter". He got out in five years and then committed suicide.

In 1982, Texas had a proposed amendment that stated a person could be denied housing on account of sexual orientation. No proof was even needed, just a suspicion. Fortunately, sixty-three percent of voters voted no.

In Cleveland, Ohio, between June of 1983 and March of 1984, five gay people were murdered. In New York City between March 27 and December 10 of 1985, four homosexuals were stabbed to death.

In 1986, twenty-four states and the District of Columbia had anti-sodomy laws.

The 80's also had some action. Studies of 1981 prove that poor parenting and society do not influence one's sexuality. Wisconsin becomes the first state to prohibit discrimination against homosexuals in 1982. In 1985, The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) was formed. Becky Smith and Annie Afleck (Fremont, California), become the first lesbian couple to jointly adopt a child 1986. About five hundred people attend the second annual March of Washington for Gay Rights in 1987. During May of 1989, Denmark became the first country to legalize same-sex marriage.

The nineties are also a time for change within the lesbian and gay community. In 1992, The Lesbian Avengers was found in New York. Then, in 1993, about one million people attend the March for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Rights.

Not all was positive in the 90's. We are now fighting for the right of same-sex marriage. On June 22, 1994, the government of Hawaii signed a law prohibiting same-sex marriage. Marriage was defined only between two people of the opposite sex. Also, on June 27, 1996, Michigan Governor, John Engler, signed a bill banning same-sex marriage. He said, "This new law ensures that in Michigan, marriage will continue to be what is always has been-a covenant between a man and a woman."

On January 12, 1998, lawyer, Robin Shahar was denied a job by the Georgia attorney general because she was with a woman. She also lost her Supreme Court appeal.

Gay rights activists are still fighting for equality today. Defensive end for the Green Bay Packers, Reggie White, recently made some homophobic comments saying that the U.S. is "going away from God" by "allowing homosexuality to run rampant." He went on for an hour and even stated that sexuality is "a decision."

Openly gay ex-Packer, Dave Kopay, was surprised by White's comments, "I'm so absolutely appalled that someone of White's stature would be so insensitive to a group that has faced so much discrimination and bigotry."

The National Organization for Women (NOW), which was founded in 1966, has done so much for both women and the gay/lesbian community. Right now, NOW is the largest organization of feminist activists. There are currently 250,000 members and 600 chapters in all fifty states and the District of Columbia.

NOW has been working on many issues. These include the Equal Rights Amendment, working issues (equal pay), sexual harassment, racial issues, abortion and reproduction rights, violence against woman, and lesbian rights.

Lesbian rights has been an issue for NOW since 1971 and one of their priorities since 1975. NOW helped to defeat an anti-lesbian and gay act know as Question 1 in Maine. They also back up same-sex marriage.

Another issue gays and lesbians are fighting for is the right to serve in the United States military. Between 80,000 and 100,000 people were discharged from the military on account of sexual orientation. During Desert Storm in 1991, about 1,000 people were removed from the military. Keith Meinhold was kicked out of the Navy for being gay. He took his case to court and in January of 1993, a federal judge ruled the military's policy unconstitutional.

When will society grow up and end this ignorant discrimination towards twenty-five million people in the United States? Only time will tell. The gay community has just began their fight and I am sure they will not stop until total equality is won. At least I hope so.

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