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Cheese Bread

3 ½ to 4 cups bread flour Divided
2 Tablespoons Sugar
1 ½ Teaspoons Salt
1 Pkg. Active dry yeast
1 Cup Very Warm Water (120 - 130 Degrees F)
Squeeze Margarine
1 cup (4 0z) Shredded Natural Swiss Cheese
½ Cup Grated Parmesan Cheese
1 Egg, Beaten

In a large bowl, combine 2 cups of the flour, sugar, salt and yeast. Mix well. Gradually add water and 2 tablespoons of margarine. Mix until soft dough forms. Combine Swiss and Parmesan cheeses. Reserve ¼ cup. Add remaining cheese mixture, egg, and 1 cup of flour to dough. Mix well. On a floured surface knead dough 8 to 10 minutes, kneading in remaining flour. Place dough in lightly greased bowl and turning once to grease surface. Cover, let rest in warm place 20 minutes. On a lightly floured surface knead dough a few times. Divide into 4 equal pieces.

Cover and let rise 15 minutes. Roll out each piece in a rectangle and roll up from the short side. Press end to seal. Fold ends under loaf. Place each roll into 4 greased 6x3-inch loaf pans. Cover; Let rise until double in volume, about 50 minutes. Make a ¼ inch slit lengthwise on the top of each loaf. Sprinkle each with 1 tablespoon remaining cheese mixture. Bake at 375 F 20-25 minutes or golden brown. Remove from pans immediately. Brush with margarine.

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