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In the torrid heat of the blazing sun,
man and beast alike languish, and even the pine trees scorch;
to cuckoo raises its voice, and soon after
the turtledoves and finch join in song.
Sweet zephyrs, blow, but then
the fierce north wind intervenes;
the shepherd weeps, anxious for his fate
from the harsh, menacing gusts;
He rouses his weary limbs from rest
in fear of the lightning, the fierce thunder
while gnats and flies in furious swarms surround him
Alas! his fears are justified,
for furious thunder and lightning split the heavens
bowing the trees and flattening the crops.
THE FOUR SEASONS by: Antonio Vivaldi
The original edition was dedicated to Count Venceslas von Merzin of a noble Bohemian family, one member of which would be Haydn's patron in the 1750's
Most illustrious Sir,
While thinking of the many years in which I have had the great good fortune to serve your illustrious Grace as Maestro di Musica in Italy, I was embarrassed when I considered that until now I have not given you any proof of the profound veneration I have for you; therefore I have decided to engrave the present volume and to submit it to the feet of Your Illustrious Grace; I beg you not to be surprised if among these few and feeble concertos, Your Illustrious Grace will find the Four Seasons, already long since under the indulgent and generous eye of Your Grace, but may you believe me that I took great pride in publishing them, because they are in any case the same, but enlarged, apart from the Sonnets, with a detailed explanation of everything in them and I am sure they will seem new to you.
Therefore I continue to ask that Your Illustrious Grace look with benevolence and indulgence on my feeble efforts, because I fear to offend the inborn kindness which Your Illustrious Grace has shown towards them for some time.
The great understanding for music possessed by Your Illustrious Grace and the high standards of your brilliant virtuoso orchestra allow me to rest assured that my poor efforts "now in your esteemed hands" will find the echo they merit. Otherwise it remains for me to implore your Grace to continue your most generous patronage of one who has the honour to subscribe himself. Your Grace's most humble, devoted and obedient servant.
Antonio Vivaldi