
*NAME* Twiggy Ramirez

*REAL name* Jeordie White

*Birthdate* June 20, 1971..which makes him 27.

*Natural Hair Colour* Brown

*Always Had* Long Hair, and once exposed himself to prove to the other Fourth grade children that indeed he is male... and got suspended for it.

*Loves* Kindness & Originality, Whiskey, Speed, Socks, Lollipops, Red Kool-Aid, Peanut Butter Sandwhiches, The Beegees before Disco shtuff, School grrl Dresses, Interveiws, Cat In The Hat, Luchboxes, Scooby-doo, & Jack Daniels.

*Hates* People who claim that they have TOTAL control over everything in their Life.

*How He Want's to Die* Drug overdose... because "it's painless"

*Favourite Word* ~nigger~

*What Do His Parents think?* They both give Him much support.

*IF he wasnt in a band..* He would be Prostituting..

*Took his name from* Twiggy..Very skinny 60's model and Richard "Nightstalker" Ramirez.

*IT Popped up first when* he tried on his mothers underwear.. heh heh

*Weirdest thing he ever Smoked* Human Bones

*Collected..* Human Bones.. he had a whole bag full when he lived in New Orleans.

*Does Not have* Tatoos or peircings [except his ear] Because he feels they are too permenant or too scattered.

*Religion* Atheist

*Life Time Goal* To break the barrier between male & female.

*Pet(s)* A Dog- Jaggers.

[Twiggy Ramirez Ring of Spooky Kids]
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