* *...shes the one i live for...* *

...when i arrive/have to leave when my fave song comes on

...when theres bad weather + i *really* want to do something

...when ppl live far away

...when people make me really mad

...when ppl make stupid comments

...when my brother(s) are really annoying

...when my sister wont stop crying

...when my mom wont give me a straight up answer

...when i spend my money

...when ppl ask me why i dress the way i do

...when ppl critisize a band they've never heard

...when ppl think music is about making money + that thats what all bands/singers are about

...when i cant think of things when i need to think of them, but then having then pop in my head when i don't need them. (i.e. when im trying to think of lyrics to put on my webpage i can never think of any.. i can always think of lyrics when i have no where to write them)

...when i forget passwords, urls, etc

...when ppl bring something up like they are going to talk about it but then refuse to

...when yr waiter/waitress never comes to yr table when you need them

...when ppl are sure they are right but have nothing to back themselves up with

...when you know someone is lying

...when i forget what i was going to say
