
((//time~ 9:o8 p.m || feb 27 oo\\))

*listening to~ uhh tv


*thinking~ ppl seriously suck.kljfsg

*babble~ umm yeah so uh..well i dont remember what i did this week.. but i remember yesterday..

((//time~ 12:o9 a.m || feb 2o/21 oo\\))

*listening to~ watching UNdressed

*wanting~ u dont wanna know

*thinking~ god im so bored

*babble~ chi chi chang. hmm.. im so boredddd/////yesterday me n a buncha ppl went to see peoples front of judea and fallow. it was a pretty good show. afterward we went to a party at this josh guy's house. it was ok. i felt so young tho cuz like everyone there was really old. hmm.. today me n dana n elizabeth n andrea went to see projectyle vomit. they were pretty good but all there songs kinda sounded the same and were really short. after the show we went to detriot with these ppl we dont know.. they just kinda came up to us and asked us if we wanted to go. so we did. we went to the fisher mansion. its this like.. hare kishnu place. they're like, hindu ppl. it was real interesting. we ate there and the food was pretty good. it was like hindu food or whatev. yupyup. tomorrow we are going to try to get out to royal oak. yupyup. gosh im so bored right now. like no one is on. and i have nothing else to do. yaya we get the hole week off. im so glad. no school. hmm i dunno i think im done. xoxo.

((//time~ 7:25 p.m || feb o5 oo\\))

*listening to~ PRAGA KHAN :)

*wanting~ dye my hair ;)

*thinking~ im gunna die in school tomorrow

*babble~ yo. mmk.. so tuesday was sno*core (system of a down, incubus, mr. bungle, and boy hits car). it rocked my sox off. that show was like, really really good :) mr. bungle is so cool! me n dana n cortney n carrie almost died in the mosh pit during incubus though, but some guy like saved us.. and lets see... friday was LORDS OF ACID/PRaGA KHAN. i almost died again.. lets see, praga khan played first... gos hes like the coolest guy in the world. i love him to death. so anyway hed did suck a good job. umm yeah so i drank like way mroe than i sould of i guess.. umm when lords of acid came on we went onto floor.. there was a ridiculous amount of people. me n dana got kicked in the head by some crowd surfer so we got off the floor. i started totally freaking out thinking i was in a dream and all this bullshit. and through almost the whole lords of acid set i was balling my eyes out with dana n liz n eric sitting out with me. yesterday i realized that if it werent for that crowd furfer that kicked us in the head we wouldnt of gotten off the floor and i wouldnt of freaked out.. because the reason i did was that i wanted t see lords of acid sooooo bad and that night was supposed to be soooo great but it kindas got ruined or something... and anyway, yeah.. but by the time lords of acid were down to 3 or 4 songs i kinda got my act together and watched the rest. but all in all it was really fun. got to see people i dont see a lot..... and people i do see a lot.. but yea. hmm.. yesterday me n dana n liz went to a punk show at the wired frog.. it was cool. there was this kid that was such a cutie. hehe. zero dependance played they rock.today i worked all day so now im tired. and tomorrow is school. yuck school is like the worst thing in the world. i need hair dye, i dunno about this blonde buisness on me. hehe. but i think im done. xoxo

((//time~ 1:28 a.m || feb o5 oo\\))

*listening to~ nothing, im watching children of the corn

*wanting~ i dunno.. talk.... im really bored

*thinking~ everything iz stoooooooopid. this movie is scary.

*babble~ hmm... yeah this movie is scary. i hate watching scary movies when im alone. and um i am. so im all scared. heh. lets see.... today me n dana were supposed to go to royal oak, but we didnt... so we went to macomb mall.... and then a bunch of us went up to the bowling alley and it turned out that no one was even bowling so we ended up sitting there for like an hour then went to denny's and now im home, bored. blah. tomorrow i have to work. i dont want to. oh well atleast i dont have to go in really early, so i like get to sleep in finally. stuff has been really stoopid lately kinda. and umm yeah. godddddd im so happy i get to go to 2 concerts next week. i havent been to one since october. and i like havent done anything extra special in a while. ha. ummm blahnessssssss. im like gunna pee my pants cuz this movie is sca-wee. im a scaredy cat. heh. i forgot everything i wanted to write..... hmm....

((//time~ 10:35 p.m || feb o1 oo\\))

*listening to~ im watching tom green... and i have placebo stuck in my head ;)

*wanting~ ohhh i dunno. dye my hair blue..hehe. and i DONT want to have school tomorrow... and umm im not sure

*thinking~ i hate people i hate school i hate my hair i hate...stuff.

*babble~ yeah. im sooooooooo bored. like no one is on. so i hear the wired frog might be getting shut down this weekend. that wouldn't be cool!! come on now... yeah so i bleeched my hair. its like orange in most places and my roots are like white. i wish it was all the color my roots are. that would be cool. hehe. anywayyyyyyy.. tomorrow we get out at 12:12. grrrr i hate school. like seriously, i dont know if i can take 3 and a hlaf more years of it. im so lazy too.. i like hardly do homework. i doubt i will graduate on time. blahhhh. so i guess we have this 3 hour long assembly thing next week about self-esteem. oh boy, that shall be fun, hah. i want to put some blue in my hair but i dont know where to put it. hmm.. yay friday i get to go to royal oak and buy stuff. tomorrow i finally get to pick up my check. hmm... gosh im ohso bored. i cant wait till me and dana go get peirced. im getting my tounge peirced. ssshhhh. heheheh. i want a tattoo real bad too. ;) yaya umm anywayyyyyz... i dunnow. i want to like.. go somewhere. i havent really done anything exciting in like.. a while. and it sucks.. i cant wait till lords of acid.. its in 10 days.. woah thats like, soon. and sno*core is in a week. wow. yeah that will be cool. well enough of my rambling im getting on my own nerves. tahtah.

((//time~ 10:27 p.m || jan 25 oo\\))

*listening to~ KMFDM || adios ||: DIY

*wanting~ ppl to talk to me heh.. umm not to have fucking school tomorrow.. get stuff peirced.. a tat..and my spike to go through.. fuck you

*thinking~ fuck it all fuck this world fuck everything that u stand for um i dont remember the rest. i miss that song. hehe.

*babble~ umm yeah ok. stuff is so cool! hah yeah right. anyway.. school is so fucking stupid.. i want to drop out but oh im not old enough. thats bullshit i should be able to fuckin drop out if i goddamn want to. its my fucking life. haha anywayz.. yeah ppl there suck. or maybe its me.. or both.. anyway. yeah i want peircings... i cant make up my mind.. lip, labret or tongue... hmm. suggestions??? yeah. im trying to puch my 4 gauge spike through my ear but if wount budge. yeah fuck you too. i want a tatto. in the center of my upper back. im not positive what but i have ideas. yeah im so glad its almost febuary so stuff will be happening soon. god this week is fucking sucking so far. oh well. i guess. um yeah. something needs to fucking change.. yeah im sick of like everything. i hate body hair!!! die!!!! my lunch sucks tomorrow. almost nobody is in it. oh well. i need a car!! goddamnit!!!! blah!!!

((//time~ 10:17 p.m || jan 13 oo\\))

*listening to~ london after midnight||oddities||:your best nightmare

*wanting~ people to come online.. emmm.. not to be so godamn fucking confused about every little fucking thing. heh. uhm.. not to have fucking school tomorrow.. and work.. BLAH

*thinking~ get my rocksoff.. hehehe... emm.. fuck im going to fail all my fucking finals, what bullshit..

*babble~ gossssh.. tomorrow i tale my first final. im scared. i have to do a presentation. i hate doing those damn things. i know i am going to fail or come very close to, all my finals. fuck.. ok.. yeah. today i went to macomb mall with dana and carrie. what else would we do. we fucking got kicked out of the mall for "being loud" but all we were doing is laughing. i hate those goddamn fucking rent a cops. anyway.. gosh i have to work a lot in the next 3 days and im prolly gunna be working saturday with a hang over. gosh. how so not good. umm lets see.. oh yeah.. korn tickets go onsale saturday morn. and i have to work. i think dana might go get em. i hope. heh. yeah. all of a sudden there are a bunch of concerts. but they arent for a while. i need to get tickets for incubus/system of a down soon. i cant fucking wait until lords of acid. that concert is going to fucking rule. i want to find out when jack off jill is coming.. hmm.. i think in march but im not sure and no fucking JOJ sights have anything about them touring on it.. atleast not the ones i have come across. anywayz..i need like a lot of money theres so much stuff i want to buy. grr. people are so weird. ahh i hate school. um i dont want to get into stuff. im too.. blah right now..

((//time~ 8:17 p.m || jan o9 oo\\))

*listening to~ uh, watching th flinstones

*wanting~ something different to happen.. im so bored with pretty much everything

*thinking~ ...

*babble~ hi.. aol is so not.. cool. hmm.. friday dana and elizabeth came over. we got halfway drunk with pucker ;) it was cool. that night was really funny. saturday i went to the mall with elizabeth.. we saw 'ric.. i got my vinyl corset, so its all good. saturday night me n elizabeth went to see douce bigalow male jiggalow.. we saw psychos from school. the movie was funny. today i had to work.. it was busy, and boring, and i only got 2 dollars in tips. o well, tomorrow i get paid. blah. i dont know. im not really in a good mood rigt now. im really tired, and to top it off i have to go to school tomorrow. eck. fffffffuck. i dont know. im going..

((//time~ 1o:o6 p.m || jan o5 oo\\))

*listening to~ tv

*wanting~ dork to come online

*thinking~ i wanna go to oakland mall. we better have a gothic rave this weekend..

*babble~ coo. today me n dana went to the mall with ashley and stephanie. yup. its was cool. there is a bum at the mall that has no teeth whos name is pain. we were talking to these guys sayin all this funny stuff pretending we have taret (sp?) syndrom. hehehe. and ashley bought edible underwear and we ate em and they were so naz-t. they tasted like stuff when u go to get yr mouth cleaned at the dentist. heheh. haha and we talked to this psycho kid that does pops wheelies on his bike and growls at ppl in the hall and it was so hilarious, what we were saying to him. i seriously all most peed in my pants. hehehe. anywho. i really want to go to oakland mall. poopoo. yezz u have to dress in "fetish" for lords of acid. hehe. im so bored. like the second i get home, im completely bored. its so annoying. i so dont want to go to school tomorrow. blah. i have to work friday. we betta be gettin pucker this weekend. i wanna do something tomorrow. blaaaaaaaah. nobody is online. eeeeeeeeeeeeck. k um i dunno byebye

((//time~ 3:59 p.m || JANUARY 1ST, 2000!! AHH!!\\))

*listening to~ lords of acid || expand your head.com

*wanting~ it to be yezterday again :( hehe. and i want to do somethin.

*thinking~ yezterday was soo fun. my back hurts. i wanna do something! i dont wanna go back to school!

*babble~ yezzturday was so much fun! i cannot believe its all like.. a new millenium. i was actually disapointed that nothing.. like y2k er whatev.. happened. heh i wanted like the lights to go out atleast. yea. i was so DRUNK. i didnt really drink THAT much, well now that i think about it, maybe i did, but i was fucked royaly. dana got drunk! yezz. hehe. im so glad i dont have a hang over :) and i made so many friedns, and they pinky swore! yaya. hehe. gosh i wish there were cool parties like that like every weekend. we didnt fall asleep till 7 am. i wanna write everything about it but i dont have the strength and i dotn remember everything. we saw fireworks. people like did em i guess. gosh i SO dont want to go back to school! im so bored right now too i wanna go do stuff.

((//time~ 12:51 a.m || dec. 31\\))

*listening to~ skinny puppy || the process

*wanting~ pucker, ppl to talk, not to have a fucking cold, nair to fuckin DIE!...

*thinking~ goddamnit what a purrfect fucking day to get a cold :( i dont wanna work tomorrow. poop. um yea nair is a bitch, fuckin givin me a rash thing :(

*babble~ yeaaaaa. uh lets see, yezzturday me n dana went to the movies. we saw man on the moon. hehehe..we snuck in. shhh. it was a confoosin movie, but it was good. today i worked then we went to denny's. yea denny's is cool. ahh make this fucking rash thing go away! and my cold too! we better get pucker tomorrow..eheehe. coffee is cool. yezzz tomorrow i get to buy my silver bondage collar! yayaya. coolness. i betta get the rest of my pay tomorrow. i cant wait till tomorrow. its gunna rule. yupyupyup. willenium. ima pardy hard. hehe. yea..ahh what if y2kool happens. that'd be fuckin cccccrazzzzy. yupyup. anyway, guess im out. xoxo

((//time~ 12:09 a.m || dec. 28\\))

*listening to~ frontline assembly || state of mind


*thinking~ what the fuck? where the hell is everyone. come on now, nobody is on.

*babble~ woahh! damnit i cannot wait until new years. its gunna be soo illegal. hehehh. um so yea we got tickets for lords of acid yesterday. its not until feb. 11th. poo come on i want it too be sooner. yea xmas was ok. i got cool stuff.. so far.. i still have to order a bunch of my stuff. heheh. damnit i bettah do it soon cuz i want my cloths. fuck and i have to send something back and its gunna take forev for me to get it again. poopins. damnit where the fuck is everyone. not fair. yez i was at meijer for like 2 hours today it ruled. heheh. yea im cool. come on someone tol dme jack off jill is coming but i cant find anything to tell me if they are n stuff and when and where and all that jibberish. stitch. we were going to bu green old ladys underwear today so we can be cool like cryptie. omg we rock..haha. ok i really am babbling but i have like absolutley nothing else to do. i better be gettin my check thursday cuz i need my money for stuff. hehehe. im buyin a cool azz collar. i gotta get my azz to royal oak to get it sometime. fuck i do nt want xmas vacation to go by fast i soo dont want to o back to school. ok well now i think i am done. ta-ta

((//time~ 2:26 a.m \\ date~ dec 23/24\\))

*listening to~ uh, im like watching tv kinda, eminem is on, hehehh

*wanting~ not to be tired

*thinking~ ahhh woah xmas got here so fast. time is starting to fly. its crazy spooky. heh. ahh! what if y2k happens.. oh no..heheh

*babble~ woah i havent updated this in like so long. so i am now. yea. today..well yesterday now.. i got to hang out with 'ric. yup it rocked azz. elizabeth is sleepin on my couch. eheh. damnit why do people have to wake up early that would wake me up if i slept down here? shit cuz now i like gotta clean a space on my floor darn. yea its cool, on the box, they have like the best videos form the 90's so like its not all "new" videos or whatever. i wish there was a chanel that played all kinds of videos all day. thatd be cool. heheh. ahh i ate so many green leaves..they are so good..they are like cookie things. yea im cool heheh. ugh xmas is gunna be crazy cuz i all like gotta go chill with my family and they are crazy. ahh i have to do that today too. what a load of shit. hahaha going in chat rooms and messin with people is so funny.. sometimes..heheh. my work sucks, they never tell me when i work so i gotta keep callin em n stuff. and i have green food colouring all over my hands. penis. im bored now. well guess ima bounce now.. tata

((//time~ 11:54 pm \\ date~ dec 10\\))

*listening to~ um im kinda watching tv.. err yea.

*wanting~ ehh..stuff not to be all weird n um yeaa.

*thinking~ i *hate* stupid hoes..

*babble~ haha today i started work. isnt that scary. me working. thats crazy. um yea. i hate hoes i really do. people really suck. gee i seem really negative today. maybe i am. yea. im so bored. not just bored.. but bored.. of everything.. yup. thats right. tomorrow is bowling. it better not get fucked up. i swear.. it better be fun. next friday is db28. yaya. that better not get fucked up either. my legs hurt. popcorn.. is umm greasy. yea reading is cool. uhh ok im not in the mood......

((//time~ 9:41 pm \\ date~ nov 29\\))

*listening to~ skinny puppy
[*song=ice breaker*]

*wanting~ ehhh.. ppl not to be in a bad mood and like to talk to me, heh... n some beef jerky

*thinking~ yea ummm stuff is poopy..heh...

*babble~ come on now, noone is in a good mood. what is this crap? blahhness. uhhh yea today i went over dana's. cooooool. i was so tired in scool and told myself i was going to go to sleep when i got home, but waddya know, i didnt, i know im gunna be sorry i didnt cause im always fuckin tired in school. damnittt.. yea. come on now, meijer won't hire anymore 14 yr olds, so i guess ima just get a job at this diner place. but its gunna bescary too cause all old ppl go there. poo. ehhh, o well, i need the dolla's. i want cd's. umm yea. ok im out.

((//time~ 1:29 am \\ date~ nov 2o/21\\))

*listening to~ orgy, on my bros disc man. yay.

*wanting~ to leave

*thinking~ yea um im bored.yea my arm hurts. yea like no one is online.

*babble~ yup. 2..er 3 days now, was my b-day. yaya. friday i got kidnapped and taken to my surprise bday party. yea it was fun. yupyup. today was bowling it was fun but went by too fast. i like sat home all day. untill like 8. yea. yuppp. uhhhhh ppl suck my balls. heh. i want safety pins. they rule. tomorrow is sunday eww sundays always suck. maybe me n dana will finally get to go to a thrift store. hopefullly. they rule. yupyup. uhhhhh hmm. thanksgiving is soon. hehe. yea next weekend will rule. yuppity doo. well im outty.

((//time~ 2:36 am \\ date~ nov 7/8\\))

*listening to~ brittney spears
[*you drive me craaaaaaaaazy....*]

*wanting~ something good to eat. and i wanna do something. im bored off my azz.

*thinking~ ya im getting tired. ya i dont want it to be sunday tomorrow cuz sundays are almost always boring. yea bowling rules.

*babble~ yea we went bowling today. but we only were gone for like an hour so i was home most of the day and being home is boring. me + dana walked to 711 and i wore my brothers fuckin huge coat and i looked really funny. it rocked ass. yea im tired but im not in the mood to sleep. heh. yea coolness. i havent wrote on here in a long time. wow. yea i rule. uhmm i heard juve 3 times today so its all goodddddd.....

((//time~ 10:3o pm \\ date~ oct 18\\))

*listening to~ dddeeepppeeeccchhheee mode.
[*im takin a ride with mah best friend.....*]

*wanting~ umm to know stuff n not be confused n ppl to be cool........*

*thinking~ i cant wait until wednesday cuz it will rock n friday n SATURday..yay*

*babble~ bleh.im tired. i was gunna try to get some sleep after school..but like i didnt cuz ima dork. bleh. tomorrow i have to do a presentation. yucky poo. im bored. noooo one is online ANYmore. poooopin. yumyum applejuice. i made a card today. yea.. im sad.. blehhhh..stuff is all weirdNESS. umm.. blehbleh. my legs n arms are SOre. nofun. yee. i wanna go partying..hehe im siLLLLLy. blah-they discontinued the red version of the shoes i want.. howrude. i need $$$$ damnit. hmm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~alrghtyyy-tata.xoxo

((//time~ 1:o4 am \\ date~ oct 8th/9th\\))

*listening to~you guessed it... videodrone, had to bring my fuckin radio down here cuz meonly gots a tape damnit.

*wanting~ ppls computers not to be slow, the time to go by fast, tomorrow to get here..golden grahams

*thinking~ tomorrow (today) better rule but i know something will go wrong cuz it always does..

*babble~ hmm today i went to the pep rally thing. it was pretty fun. we threw bacon bits at people cuz we are the bacon crew!! yayaya! hmm tomorrow actually today, whatev ishomecoming n i know i wont be able to sleep cuz im excited hehe. screw fuckin applebees cuz we cant make reservations so i dont know where the fuck we are gunna go b4 the dance.. hmm... fuck i need a purse.. o well. yupyupyup umm damnit i wanna go to new orleans.......... yup uhhhh i dunno.. o yea my fuckin jaw er head er something hurts like a fuckin bitch.. damnit it better go away.. um ok ta ta

((//time~ 10:38 pm \\ date~ oct 7th 99\\))

*listening to~ marilyn manson | mechanical animals

*wanting~ ppl to come on line... to know what the fuck we are doing for sure the next 2 days... my pop to be cold.. golden grahams.. tenis shoes..... a coat... ummm.... my cloths not oto be inside out...

*thinking~ why the fuck are my cloths inside out... im a dork..

*babble~ hmmm... omg what the fuck im serious, how the fuck did my cloths get inside out. whatevNESS. today i went to see you drive me crazy with dana carrie elizabeth n mark. it was perdy coolness. tomorrow im goin to the pep rally. yay fun. umm i want my shag to grow out!! come on it is so annoying whatev. haha today i took one of my dread lock tings out and my hair looks like niglet hair. hehe. umm yea its all weirdness. i boght fake nails. i was gunna put em on, but i have typing class tomorrow so whateva. i cant wait till homecoming hehe. if something goes wrong i will scream. my outfit rules. hehe. ummm rock. CANDYcorn..yummm*

((//time~ 10:51 pm \\ date~ oct. 4th 99\\))

*listening to~ tool

*wanting~ ppl that im talking to to talk. blah.. gay wads..

*thinking~ umm my kool aid tastes really weird i think someone put the date rape drug in it. hehe...

*babble~ yez, today i got to wear pj's. rock. tomorrow= crazy hair day. hehe. i dont get up early enough to do anything CrAzY to my hair. blah. ppl that only talk for like 5 minutes suck. so does caticism. i seriously dont think im gunna pass it er whateva. that'd suck cause i think i would have to take it ovah again and i really dont want to cause everyone there sucks and so does it. o yea, ppl are so dumb they all wanna fight.. yea its so stoopid i wanna beat em all up. blah. i did laundry today im so proud of myself i havent done laundry in so long and i had like no clean cloths. it suckt. umm yes, im a school supporter im going to the game friday. hhehe. omg, im SO +confused+ about homecoming. pretty much what we r all doin b4 and after mainly bt still. umm wow this iz gettin really long. o yea im so mad we didnt get to go see db28 in saginaw.. thats like 3 shows we've missed since may.. what is the world coming to?

((//time~ 1o:55 pm \\ date~ oct. 3 99\\))

*listening to~ JUNEILE! hehe he's on TV...rock

*wanting~ to go get a razor cuz i missed spots..hehe

*thinking~ ill make the face that bugs you.. umm yea i wish my kool-aid was cold ;(...why do all *hot*guys.. or *most*guys in general have to end up bein jerrrrrrrrks....

*babble~ tomorrow i dont have to get dressed for school cuz its pajama day. that rocks. im wearin...*achoo*'s underwear, hehehe. yea. fuck i missed spots on my legs. whatev. im wearing toe sucks n they are makin my toes feel all funny like. nobody is online. my scalp itches. i cant wait until homecoming...... it's gunna ROCK. i dont have nyone cool in any of my classes tomorrow, that sucks... xcept seminar. shit i need to get a pop. today was so boring. i want lots of cd's. i want....... oh um, well thats all. tah tah

((//time~ 7:21 pm \\ date~ oct. 2 99//))

*listening to~ my life with the thrill kill kult... yumm.. i cant wait till their show..

*wanting~ to buy clothes.. hehehe.....and i want a hopper jr.. yummm

*thinking~ damnit, what can we do after homecoing?.. i wanna do something really cool n stay out really late.. but what can we do.. i wanna go to canada..

*babble~ i havent updated this in a long time. i just got back from the mall. i bought a bunch of cutsey hair clips n shtuff. and bracelets to wear for homecoming. i cant wait. it's gunna be soo fun.. and if its not ill be *really* disappointed.. cause im *so* looking forward to it. another thing.. is the thrill kill kutl concert. that'll be great. im so excited. my muscles are sore n its poopy. i keep thinking tomorrow is monday..its crazy.. heh. alriighty. tah-tah.

((//time~ 4:o4 pm \\ date~ aug 16 99//))

*listening to~ kidney thieves..yaya

*wanting~ to know where the fuckk my mom is.. hmm.. oh yea, i want a big soft choc ship cookie..yea.. and i wanna go somewhere..

*thinking~ why does everything have to be so fucking confusing..

*stuff~ come on.. i need money to go to that one place.. and AHH i cant belive school is starting so so00n. make it go away. ack! im like dieing at my house without a compooter, but we r too cool to bring this one there!! fuckkk! come on! whatev. ummm i wanna leaveeeee. hmm oh well... ok.. i dont feel like babbling no mo!

((//time~ 3:13 A.m \\ date~ aug. o9 99//))

*listening to~ grrness, i want to listen to stuffff..but umm it would wake people up or something..whaaaa!!!

*wanting~ to talk! fuck! c0me on.. oh yeah.. i want strawberries. someone go get me some. plEeEEEeeeease?! or don'tt...hehe..ooh i wanna run around in the rain..too bad it not raining..

*thinking~ i hate when people don't say bye!

*feeling~ umm aloneeeeeee

*stuff~ come onpeople getonline so i cantalk toyou. hah. ummmm hmm ive been writing mucho lately.. hmm.. for a while i wasnt writing much at all.but i started again..yay. funky smeeLLllLLllsSs hmm..where they be commin from? oh well..today isat. yeay! umm tomorrow i make cupcakesssss..yum* yeahhh i dont have stuFfF to sayy...

((//time~ 6:o5 p.m \\ datE~ aug. o7 99//))

*listening to~ ((cd nin~ the downward spiral || song~ big man with a gun))
*wearing~ long blacK skirt, long-sleeveD black mech-y type shirt w/a collaR & a whitE weeZer shirt over it.
*make-up~ blu eyeliner, purple eyeSHADOW, RED lipsticK.
*nail polish~ various reds, blacK, pinK, purple.
*jewelry~ lotsa my braceLETS, 2 rings, 3 NECKlaces.
*where~ compOOTer room
*wanting to~ talk to someoneeeeee
*thinking~ fuccck i cant SIT here ANYlonger.
*feeling~...like i have to pee..
*stuff~ i REaLLy have to pEeEEeeeeEEE! yeeeps..

((//time~ 9:47 p m \\ date~ aug o5 99//))

*listening to~ ((cd~ o r g y = song~ stitches))
*wearing~ blacK pajama~ish pants//black t~shirt..i didn't get dressed today.. heh.
*make~up~ n0t mucho.. bluuuu eyelineR, silver-y EYEshadow, pinK lipshticK.
*nail polish~ various reds
*jewelry~ none, tooK it ALL off..whew.
*where~ funKy grandpa persons r00m where the computerrr be.
*wanting to~ do almost anything, whaa, verrrry b0red.
*thinking~ i doN't want to do this ANYmore.

take me home