+ love quiz +

1 The roads represent your attitude towards falling in love. You chose the short one, this means you fall in love quickly and easily.

2 The number of red roses represent how much you expect to GIVE in a relationship. The number of white roses represent how much you EXPECT in a relationship. You chose 15 red rose(s) with 5 white rose(s). Therefore, you GIVE 75% in the relationship but expect to RECEIVE 25% back.

3 This question shows your attitude in handling relationship problems. You went and got your loved one yourself, then you are pretty direct. If there is a problem, you confront it and deal with it. You want to work it out right away.

4 The placement of the roses indicates how often you'd like to see your boyfriend/girlfriend. You chose Placing the roses on the bed : You need lots of reassurance in the relationship, and you'd want to see your loved one every day, if possible.

5 Finding your boyfriend/ girlfriend ASLEEP: You accept your loved one the way they are.

6 The short and long roads now represent how long you stay in love. You chose the long one, you tend to stay IN love for a long time.
