"hey mike can i get some fries with that shake?!"- dana

"EHY, back that thang up"- me n dana

"pam and tommy lee get naked"- kurt loder

"i love keymanter"- amber

"DUDE, that rocks ASS..uhhh i mean its cool"-chris

"kiss off"- dana

"why dont u say rip anymore?!?!?!"- dave

"tup tity pop"-chris

"do me, do me!"- dana

"im the biggest badazz in the west"- chris

"walk the plank, swim with the sharks, im the universal azz pirate!"- bill barbane

"are u the chetlinski's?!..i've been waiting for you!"-ed

"throw those beans down the stairs"- mikey
"i think my mom will know we threw em down the stairs"- me

"hey fellows"- frank

"yr wearing my work cloths, they're gunna be all wrinkly!"- mikey

"you can't have my pretzels, you scare me"- christina

"ima whore, and i like candy"- christina

"whoever heard of a skinny santa? eat, EAT!"- dana & mikey's computer

"all living animals and creatures have to poop sometime"-me and mikey's computer

"those pants make my ass look saggy"- mikey

"in 1 minute its going to be 5:27, and do you know what that means? time to go to sleep" - mikey

"hahaha its 5:53 and it looks funny" - mikey

"everybody point and laugh!"- chickenhawk

"who made the cupcakes that say gay and fag on them?"-peg

"is THAT yr sister?"- zayjack

"do you have any mustard?"- me n elizabeth

"i just take a foot and a half of floss and go EEEEE EEEE EEE"- dore

"electric twangdoodles! yess!"- elizabeth

"marilyn manson: spitting, self mutilations, and CHICKENS!! YESS!!!"- me

"bye"- suat

"leave him alone, he's tweeking, let him fuckin tweek!"- zeke

"save money for lurch"

"that's the jere girl"- care
"what?"- me
"ya know..the JERE girl"- care

"brain eggbert gave me his phone number"- scotty

"imagine ed with black eyeliner on"- elizabeth

"i almost ruined dana's straight-edge image"- me

"rocken with dokken"- jm

"are u gay er something?"- jm
"gayer than u"- me
"yea right no ones gayer than me"- jm
"i am"- me
"fine we can both be the gayest"- jm

"this is what happens when you wear my dads underwear, yr hair falls out"- mikey

"mike, you came from franks underwear!"- care

"why are you calling me a fag?"- dizman
"cause you didn't answer to anything else"-me

"who's that?"-scotty
"mike"- me
"he looks like a girl, dont tell him i said that though, i dont want him to beat me up or something"-scotty

"lemanski, stefanski hey hey hey, woah thats like rubbing yr stomach and patting yr head!"- care

"we got a dolla we got a dolla we got a dollah hey hey hey hey"- scotty

"is that CHICKENHAWK?!"- scotty

"can i wear yr long johns?"- dana to dizman

"dizman is naked on carries bed"- me

"amber made poo poo"- scotty

"who DID lemanski?"- scotty

"i know yr brothers are something ski"- carrie
"i dont ski, i water ski..but..."- scotty

"i dont ski, i wonder ski"- me

"yeah.. here come the goats! and the chickenhawks and the carries!"- scotty

"they come to smell the chickenhawk"- scotty

"you gotta fight for yr right, to hit mike"- scotty

"mike calls over and yo momma is jewel"- scotty

"do you want to have an orgy with orgy?"- scotty

"lords of asses?"- scotty

"look man, theres some guy on the stage wearin a dress, he looks like a girl, what a homo, thats some queer shit"- some guy aka bill barbains friend

"do u have any secrets?"- bill barbain

"im going to hang dead by 28 flyers all over my house, and pass em out to my family,..and my cats.."- elizabeth

"i met a hot guy at regina"- terri

"LFO makes my teeth sweat"- terri

"i wanna sex ricky martin up"- terri

"i thought brain like drove his old car off a cliff or something"- dana

"allyson likes when jason and jason and mike and chickenhawk stop by for the summer, she'll even let them sleep in the basement"- scotty

"i love chickenhawk, you love chickenhawk, we all love chickenhawk"- scotty

"o for oats, g for goats, e for eric, m for mike, p for poopins"- lore aka my mom

"3 is a crowd"- brain


"if you hold yr eye open and sneeze it'll fly out and hang by it's socket, it happened to nicks friends, and he was like 'what the fuck happened to my eye'..im gunna try it.."- scotty

"kathryn is a walking hot topic"- norbert aka joe kurh

"i just beat up a senior the other day, look at my injuries" ::rolls up sleeves::- dave kew

"we should get blane and his friends to jump jason"-gregory

"mark, the one that wears eyeliner sometimes, is SO hot"- alison dib

"carrie's dad frank lives in a car?! hes yr boyfriend?!"- lore aka my mom

"we ran to jm's house"- me n dana

"frank is workin, franks awesome, i like frank"- my teach, mr. kip

"so are carrie and mark a hot item now?"- my mom lore

"pass me the glue stick my juvenile singing friend"-jason in my bio class

"that one girl in the juvenile is just.. OOOHHHH"- some awesome kid scott

"yr hair is doing weird things, see look at it it looks weird, it must be time for bed"- lore aka my mom

"for a quarter will u type 17 words?"- scotty

"yr hair smells, wash it"- lore aka my mom

"pretend yr a girl, and tell me what the hell you would see in brain!"- marcus #2 to dana

"if i had crabs would you spray me with raid?"- eric

"either get in the car or stay with the cart!"- brain

"brain brain good for the heart the more ya eat the more u like carts!"- me

"billies roll"- terri

"im going out with chickenhawk and bill and billilies and boobilies.."- terri

"al is a dickweed"- ?

"some guy wearing goggles on his head walked up to me and started freaking me from behind"- terri

"heyyy marky are you ok???"- me

"amber drew a peice of poop with a face"- dana

"did u fart?"- jason
"yea, why?"- mark

"what in tarnation"- me and dana

"get get naked!..come on baby make it hot"

"you and jm are the same, expect for well, y'know"- dana

"are you guys tripping on acid?"- some girl baily in my seminar class

"can i have a dollar, frank?"- some kid in the hall talking to this psycho molestor kid frank

"frank tossed the pen"- my teach

"call me when you guys find ed"- jm

"there is a brain inside all of us, and we need that brain"- my teach

"i have a chicken, and you look like a chicken"-steve in my biology class

"how come u remember allyson's friend's names like brain and chicken?"- dave

"is chickenhawk my flan?"- scotty

"what's up slick willy?"- steve

"brute is made to help erect quicker, if you question your masculinity, brute is not for you"- some awesome commercial

"im a chicken, aren't i the hottest chicken you've ever seen?"- aj in my bio class

"im going out with kev, MY KEV!"- amber

"we are pyscho stalkers"- me dana + elizabeth

"how are the unhinged boys?"- brain

"negro negro in my arms"
"now im super negro!"
"don't lie to my negro"

"oops sorry, i didnt mean to touch you..wait,.. yes i did"- j malefactor

"so kevs yr boyfriend?"-lore

"omg! hammy's in the car! daddy forgot to take out hammy!"-dore

"don't kiss the kevin bacon game!!!"-dore

"do you have my brute bracelet?"- lore

"did you smoke a joint? are you high"- ilene

"im goth"- eric

"i drive a ghetto car that only fits one person"- dave

"i wonder if big bird is y2k compatible"- 'ric

"feelin like a stitch on a leash"

"joy division to the world"- 'ric

"omar!!!!!!!!!"- me and elizabeth

"lets go gothic xmas caroling"

"theres seven gothic ravers in my bathroom"- 'ric

"i have to chris"- me n elizabeth

"i am a gothic raver cuz i have a pink bondage bracelet"- elizbeth

"what is black ocean drowning?"- 'ric

"hey skulls and candles"- 'ric to dave

"brain eggbert is like a chad messyn to us"- elizabeth

"stick it in as far as it can go"- 'ric

"yoach"- chris aka piss

"bottle of stitch"- elizabeth
"stitch is gay aka in a purple bottle"- allyson

"stitchy pooh"- dore

"deck the halls with stitch's balli"- allyson

"im not your bitch dont hang your stitch on me"- elizabeth

"what, you wanna ride up on my back?"- wan
"hold on tight"- wan
"uh uh uh *grunt* oh uh uh uh"- amber

"these are my long johns"- wan

1-954-742-7810 irish8394 JUSTIN

"mom, can i go out with stitch?"-me
"no, he's dore's boyfriend"-lore
"can i go out with cryptie?"-me
"no hes a women"-lore
"can i go out with negro in my arms?"-me
"no hes black"-lore
"can i go out with big bird, he's y2k compatible"-me
"can i go out with jaime?"-me
"no, he has stinky arm pits"-lore

"ed, will you make love with me?"-me "you dont know what love is"-ed

"i have a cannon and its goes boom"-jon watson

"do you have bear flavored nipples?" john watson

"your hair is loud"-aggie

"you look like the singer of kittie"-dave

"you are all bitched"-rone

"im going to throw this pizza in your eye"-some kid

"it looks like a weenie ball"- our waitress talking the weenie ball

"i wonder if keith is married yet. i remember one of his girlfirends, she was a dizhead, she was like the definition of a diz. her name was like cherry vanilla."- my mom

jimmy urine to me: "yr a little too dressed up"
me: [insert frown here]
jimmy: "did i make you cry?"
me: "yeah"
jimmy: "oooh i'll make you cry later"

"my names michial, im just a homeless guy with no feet"-michael the bum

"lets all the black ppl + the white ppl get along damn fine!"-biz

"yr gunna have straw fr hair"- my mom

"yr mah friendz"- biz

+online conversationess+