+_use me+_hate me+_smash me+_erase me

*she's bored w/everything

*she thinks all the time

*she's young

*she wants to live in new orleans

*she always paints her toenails red

*she's paranoid

*she's scared of a lot of people

*she loves staying up all night

*she wears make~up

*she eats too much candy

*she would go crazy without music

*she loves getting snail~mail + e~mail

*she loves looking at good personal webpages

*she smokes "socially"

*she has very skinny eyebrows

*she shaves her arms

*she admires bettie page

*she still thinks barbies rule

*she ::loves:: hugs + kisses

*she would glady go on a long late night walk

*she cries

*she hates being judged by her looks

*she listens

*she's shy

*she wishes she wasn't

*she believes whorescopes..to a degree

*she's ticklish everywhere..

*she wishes she could dye her hair different colors w/o her employers getting mad

*she wishes she had greenGREEN eyes

*she's addicted to the computer and would go insane without it

*she believes in ghosts, spirits, etc.

*she spends much more time on the computer than the phone

*she's amused by decorating stuff

*she thinks being dizzy is fun

*she often gets lost in deep thought

*she stares..usually not on purpose

*she doesn't want to be lonely..

*she wishes she could tell people everything

*she tries when she wants to

*she always has songs stuck in her head

*she's getting her tongue peirced

*she needs money

*she gave up bass lessons

*she has a keyboard

*she argues

*she's confused

*she uses sarcasm too much

*she hates and loves love (or almost that) at the same time

*she's confused by it

*she almost always feels it..

*she likes long talks..

*she's scared

*she wishes she knew what people were thinking/feeling

*she usually doesn't remember her dreams

*she wishes she did..

*she doesn't like school...or most of the people there..

*she was obsessed with the monkeys [the band] when she was littler

*she's :very: impatient

*she drinks too much alcohal

*she's usually easily amused

*she's not motivated at all

*she's really lonely right now

*she is very annoyed by her family

*she has a job

*she is already sick of it

*she hates having to go to bed and get up reelee early for school

*she's lazy

*she doesnt know what to say

*she needs affection

*she's pro-choice

*she wants to make music

*she's saw nine inch nails in concert

*she's going to see the cure in 3 days

*she misses ppl a LOT

*she really wants to go to a rave

*she's open to change

*she wants to try new things
