webrings + cliques

join my cliques!

*cliques page 1*

+_night person
+_drama queen
+_i want to be a rock star
+_rocky horror picture show
+_stunt girl
+_jesus died for somebodys sins, but not mine
+_real beauty queen
+_glitter frosty
+_play with their minds
+_im a dork
+_sweet when i want to be
+_addidcted to..
+_head in the clouds
+_ugly girl
+_smashed up my sanity
+_im not beautiful like her, im beautiful like me
+_she falls apart
+_red grrl
+_decaying reality

*cliques page 2*

+_i wish upon stars
+_my pumpkin turned into a rock
+_beautiful whore
+_homophobia sucks
+_your god not mine
+_i will never be her
+_dont sexualize children
+_satan is a hottie
+_i want to disapear
+_save frances bean
+_i love red
+_far too young
+_purple stars
+_doll parts
+_cant sleep, clowns will eat me
+_cows are cool
+_perfection is boring
+_evil prom queen
+_fuck censorship
+_we all go a little mad sometimes
+_lies can kill
+_i like..
+_porn star

*webrings page 1*

+_glitter girls
+_girls are weird
+_no ordinary whore
+_screaming orgasm
+_barbie girl
+_glass princess
+_value village vixen
+_plastic utopia
+_lillipop devil
+_safety pins and candy grrls
+_mommys little dress up doll
+_pyscho freak girls
+_girls who rock
+_prim and proper
+_pee grrls
+_she dont need no dick
+_i hate stupid ppl
+_i love barbies
+_glitter goddess
+_too much poison

*webrings page 2*

+_certified cunt
+_island of broken toys
+_stuff sucks
+_my pretty power
+_web whores
+_im young but am i innocent
+_dangerous angel
+_true chica
+_lost girlscout
+_faery glitter
+_boys in make up
+_glitter gum
+_i shimmer
+_pathetic loser
+_safety pins + spikes
+_glitter goddess
