
Full name: * allyson *
Gender: grrly grrl
Birthdate/Age: 11-18, yup im 14
How long can you hold your breath? beats me, and im not about to find out.
What came first The monkey or the pig? fish
Would you rather go to Disneyworld or Disneyland? tell me the difference again
What is your favorite color? red, purple, pink, blue, silver, black
What is your favorite kind of gum? that lemonade bubblicious
Who is your online crush? umm, no
Kiss on first date or hug? depends i guess
Can you swim? yup
Do you like to swim? sometimes, not in school though
Favorite cartoon hero? power puff grrls
Favorite Actor? jonathon ryhs meyers
Favorite Actress? fairuza balk, christina ricci, rose mcgowan, angelina jolie
Do you have an accent? haha, a michigan accent..
If someone offered you a million dollars to sleep with their spouse, would you?depends
Premarital sex: yr choice
Pro-life or Pro-choice? pro choice
Do you prefer pools or oceans? oceans look fun
Do you watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer? nah
Pencil or pen? marker
Who's has it better....boys or girls? i couldnt say
Would you like to own a motorcycle? i wouldnt spend my money on one
Who's the best looking guy/girl you know? hmm.. D.
The best way to die? sleep
How do you want to die? in my sleep
Gold or silver? silver
Would you ever go bungie-jumping? yes, but not by myself
Do you like dressing up? i love it
Would you rather be short or tall? tall, prolly
Do you enjoy reading? only if it's a good book
Do you watch TGIF? not usually
Which Winnie the Pooh character is your favorite? eeyore
What was the last movie you saw? girl, interupted
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? nah
Do you think you're attractive? not usually
What's your favorite Nintendo game? i dunno
What is your sign? scorpio
What movie do you really want to see? a bunch
What are your personality traits? shy, crazy, moody, weird, etc
What is your biggest wish? be happy n like... keep talking to my friends and not be lonely
What's your biggest fear? growing up, being lonely
Who is the least attractive person you know? my butt
Are you an optimist or pessimist? i always get confused about which thing means what
Would you ever have cosmetic surgery? not unless something reallyreally drastic happened
Do you like to dance? uh huh
Do you drink? yup
Do you do drugs? i want to
Do you smoke? sometimes
What do you think of people who drink? i dont think of someone any different if they drink or dont drink, but some ppl are really annoying when they drink
People who do drugs? ditto
What do you think of people who smoke? ditto
Better to cry or laugh? depends on the situation
Do you think men and women can ever just be friends without wanting each other? yea, but like, i think at one point one or the other or both will want the other one
What do you first look at on the opposite sex? whatever stands out
Do you bite your nails? nope, i stopped when i got braces :D
Ever been in love? maybe..
Which movies have you cried at? almost all of em
Do you believe in God? no..
Did you ever cry over someone of the opposite sex? yup
Do you hate/dislike nudity? its usually scary..but it can be fun ;)
Have you ever stolen anything? yeah im a badazz, heh
Do you watch Happy Days? nah
Did you ever have a crush on a cartoon character? on the ninja turtle with the blue thing when i was little, and trent on daria
Do you organize your CD's? kinda
Who's your favorite Sesame Street character? big bird!!
Do you like Marilyn Manson? of course....... why is this question on this?
Who is the loudest person you know? me
Who is the weirdest person you know? me and my friends
Do you sneeze a lot? not usually
What is your favorite kinda music? what i like
MTV or VH1? the box
Are you a vegetarian? no, i wanna but like.. burger king....
Where are you from? my mommy
Do you have AOL? yeah
Best places to hang out? there is like no where to go around here... :(
Are you a player? i wish.. i cant even get ONE guy "heh"
Best friend(s)?: all my friends
Do you prefer to go out with people older or younger than you? older
What was the last cd you got? alec empire- the destroyer + atari teenage riot- burn, burlin, burn
Favorite TV show? undressed
Blondes, Brunettes? depends
Glasses or Contacts? i want purple or green contacts
What color are your eyes? poopy brown
What is your natural hair color? dark brown
But what color is it now?
Last time you showered? ???
What kind of pants do you have on right now? sweat pants... im in my pj's
What was the last thing you said? good night
What's right next to you? cd's + pop
What color is your computer desk? wood
What's the last 4 digits of your phone number? 7890, seriously
What was the last thing you ate? pop tarts
If you had a genie, what 3 wishes would you make? not sure..
What's written down in the computer section of your profile? * i have half a mind its cracked and breaking, its recomended as great for tasting *
What's the weirdest first name you've ever heard of? hare
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? red
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? fuji
Right now, who do you want to marry and spend the rest of your life with? i'd have to think about that
Last book you read? some gay one for a book report, i didnt finish it either
do you have a pager? nah
Do you have a lava lamp? yea, but i dont know where it is
Brandy or Monica? in my pants
How many buds are on your buddy list? im too lazy to count
How is the weather right now? kinda nice
What did you do last night? laser tag aka gothic rave + denny's
Last person you talked to on the phone? dana
Who are you talking to online right now? no one
Whats your name backwards? nosylla
Whats on your computer screen? stuff
Do you have any pets? brownly n snowy
Are you planning on going to college? i dont really want to, but who knows
If so, where? beats me
What do you want to major in? ahhhhhhh, this is scary
Do you have a nickname? al is a dickweed, dawyag
