Full Name: * allyson *
Birthday: november eighteenth
Zodiac Sign: scorpio
Height: around 5'5
Siblings: 3 step bros, 2 live with me, 2 half sisters, 1 lives with me, 1 half brother who doesn't live with me
favorite color: red + purple + silver + pink + black + blue
favorite food: candy. pizza. pop tarts. doritoes.
favorite breakfast food: i don't eat breakfast
favorite lunch food: pizza or fries or chips or candy
favorite radio stations: 96.3
favorite dinner food: french fries//pizza//burger king//blah blah
video game systems you own: my bros have nintendo 64 + playstation
favorite games for those systems: shadowman, mario cart, 007, that one, i cant think of it's name, ect
computer: misery machine
what do you think of tom green's "bum bum" song?: haha that song is so cool, i heard it the other day.. * my bum is on the sweedish (fish!!) *
favorite jewelry: bracelets, collars, rings, etc
favorite ice cream flavor:mint choc. chip
done drugs?: not yet..well i drank alcohal + smoked
gone skinny dipping?: maybe
convicted of a crime?: nope
watched "Punky Brewster"?: yup
had a medical emergency?: nah
had surgery?: nah
played strip poker?: heheheh nope
gotten beat up?: kinda
been picked on?: of course
been on stage?: yeah and we got um critisized by a certain *ahem* band
eaten an entire box of Oreos?: i hate oreos

Thoughts on........
Abortion?: well it's yr choice, i mean,ya gotta do what ya gotta do
Sports?: overrated
Religion?: stoopid
Hanson?: and ima lookin through the yearbook and i find and empty space, theres a name without a picture, and i cant forget his face, o tell me where did he go, i wanna know, where did johnny go?
Country?: shania twain
Classical?: rocks
Oldies?: sure why not
Punk?: kool
R&B?: nah
SKA?: some is kool
Metal?: some is kool
premarital sex?: go ahead if u wanna, why not?
Adoption?: i dont think bros n sisters should be seperated.
favorite songs: bring the pain, faggot- mindless self indulgence, breakfast in vegas- praga khan, heart beat that isnt there- alec empire, burn, berlin, burn- atari teenage riot, rough sex- lords of acid, GOAT- dead by 28, warm place- nine inch nails, nancy boy- placebo, dissolve- switchblade symphony, ty jonathon down, powertools for girls- videodrone, a daisy chain 4 satan- thrill kill kult, we're in this together now- nine inch nals, the perfect drug- nine inch nails, come undone- duran duran, personal jesus- depeche mode, credit in the straght world- hole, spark- tori amos, anarchy, DIY- kmfdm your best nightmare- london after midnight, pantomine- orgy
favorite bands: mindless self indulgence, praga khan, lords of acid, placebo, atari teenage riot, kmfdm, thrill kill kult, jack off jill, alec empire, deftones, kidney theives, switchblade symphony, tons more
favorite magazine: whatever has something im interested in in it
day or night person: night person
opptismist or pessimist: i forgot what they mean

In the opposite sex-
What kind of things do you find romantic?: words, hugs, y'know..
blonde or burnette? depends on the person
short or long hair? ditto
style of clothing? girly, heh i dunno, whatev fits the person
tall or short? either
piercings or tattos? both
what do u look at first? whatever i see first, or stands out most
favorite part of body? face, wrists, arms, legs, body
flirtacious or shy? a little of both
thing you can't stand? obnoxiousness, immaturity, ignorance, arrogance

McDonald's or Burger King: bk.. mm i could really go for some
Sunrise or sunset: sunset
Silver or gold jewelry: silver // plastic // rubber //
Newspaper or magazine: magazine
Pool or hot tub: the rain
Sing or dance: both
anything else?: glitter is pretty. heheheh.
