--Name: * allyson *
--Height: around 5'5
--Hair color: purple-ish
--Eye Color: poop brown
--Righty or lefty? righty, i wannabe a lefty
--Hobbies: music, "hanging out", music, writing, thinking, going to shows, sleeping, reading, internet, ect...
--How do you describe yourself? ehhh weird, uhh shy, sacred, crazy
--What's your sign? *scorpio*
On Friends... --Friend(s) that looks most like you? jm!!!!!!
--Friend(s) you go to for advice? whoever
--Friend(s) you have the most fun with? everyone
--Friend(s) you can do nothing with and still have fun? ditto
On Guys....(for girls to fill out)
--Boxers or briefs? boxer breifs hehe
--Long or short hair? depends on the boi
--Dark or blonde? depends
--Tall or short? usually tall
--Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny? both..
--Good guy or bad guy? it depends how you define "good" and "bad"
--Dark or light eyes? depends
--Hat or no hat? depends..
--Ears pierced or no? peirced
--Tan or fair? depends, probly fair
--Freckles or none? none
--Stubble or neatly shaved? goat + the rest neatly shaven
--Rugged outdoorsy type or sportsy type? neither
--Accent or American? accent's ::rock::
--Celebrities you find sexy? urine, amir derakh, brian molko, twiggy ramirez, sean brennan, tina root, susan wallace, pete burns, madonna, *bettie page*, praga khan, angelina jolie, fairuza balk, christina ricci, ect ect ect
On girls...(for guys to fill out)
Boy shorts or bikini underwear? bikini
Painted or nude nails? painted
Bra or sports bra? pretty bra
Sorta dressy or casual? depends
Ears pierced or not? peirced
Dark or blonde? depends
Short or long hair? ditto
Dark eyes or light eyes? ditto
Long or short nails? in the middle
Hat or no hat? depends, probly no hat
Good girl or bad girl? define em
Hair up or down? something neato done to it
Jewelry or none? jewelry
Tall or short? depends
Curly or straight hair? straight or crimped
Skirt or dress? either
Tan or fair? fair
Freckles or none? none
Pretty indoor chick or sportsy chick? indoor chick i guess
All american or grunge? grunge?
Accent or American? accents rock
On preferences...
--Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? hot choco
--McDonalds or Burger King? burger king, yum yum..
--Coke or Pepsi? coke
--Sweet or sour? bittersweet
--Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? dr p
--Tea or coffee? coffee
--Sad/action/comedy/horror? sad//horror
--Cats or dogs? cats
--Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? nacho
--Mud or Jello wrestling? mmmmm..jello..
--With or without ice-cubes? if its not cold then with but if it is cold then without
--Milk/Dark/White chocolate? uhh white i guess
--Shine or rain? rain
--Top or Bottom? bottom
--Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? fall
--Vanilla or Chocolate? vanilla
--Skiing or boarding? ???
--Biking or blading? biking down gratiot
--Cake or cookies? cake
--Cereal or toast? both are good
--Rock/ska/punk/rap/r&b/alt/techno/country/folk? out of those choices, techno
--Night or day? night
--Gloves or mittens? gloves
--Bunk bed or waterbed? both rock
--Chewing gum or hard candy? candy + gum both rock
--Lights on or off? off
What's your favorite....
--Color? red * purple * silver * pink * black * blue
--Number? 9, 106, 28, 13
--Drink? vodka
--Animal? cats
--Holiday? halloween
--Saying/words? cool, rock, rock n roll, awesome, damnit, fuck it all fuck this world fuck everything that you stand for, ummm, yea. mo', i kool, etc
--Band? mindless self indulgence, kmfdm, placebo, atari teenage riot, praga khan, lords of acid, jack off jill, alec empire, thrill kill kult, switchblade symphony, etc etc
--Book? lost souls
--Movie? girl interupted, the craft, rocky horror, jawbreaker
--TV show? undressed
--Radio station? 96.3
--Place? anywhere where theres something fun to do
--Flower? roses
--Food? candy
--Shape? hearts and stars
--Texture? uhhhhh silky
--What's your house gonna look like? who knows
--Where are you gonna live? beats me
--How many kids? no thanks
--Names? azura
--College? none i hope heh
--What are you gonna do? im scared of that.
On relationships...
--What does your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend look like?uhm... unique, pretty/cute/whatever, original, uhh yea
--How do they act? respectful, affectionate, funny, trustworthy, caring, devoted, compassionate, creative, understanding, playful, loyal, kinky, etc
--Where is your dream date? beats me
--Do you like to call or be called? be called
--Make plans or go along w/ them? whichev
--Make the moves or wait? thats up to them
--What's the first thing you notice in a guy/girl? whatev stands out
--Ever been in love? maybe
If you could...
--Move anywhere, where would it be? new orleans
--Buy any car, what would it be? convertible + nappy hair, no umm... wah i don't care, something cool + ill decorate it with a million stickers, heheh
--Dye your hair one color, what would it be? i wanna but blue straks in mine, but like, it depends if i get a job or not, cuz i dont think theyd like that too much
--Have a tattoo, where/what would it be? a heart with little stars or some kind of rose or something really neato, yea i dunno
--Meet one person, who would it be? only one?
Name one thing...
--You love: music
--You're embarrassed about: being shy, my butt.. ehheh
--That annoys you: closemindedness
What's the first thing you do when you......
--Get up? think omg i dont want to be up yet
--Go to school? find ppl
--Get home from school: go online, eat, stuff
Yay or Nay?
--Roller coasters? yay
--Thunderstorms? yay usually
--High heels? yay!
--Mexican food? rules!!!!!!
--Bill Clinton? is my dad
--Insects? nay
--Little Kids? depends
--Do you bite your fingernails? no i used to but i stopped, yaya
--Toenails? wtf?
--Twirl your hair? not really
--Chew gum obnoxiously? i hope not
--Drink/smoke? drink, used to smoke
What is...
--Under your bed? god only knows
--On your nails? pink on my fingers n red (of course) on my toenails
--On your feet? nothing, well not right now anyway
--On your walls? everything
--On your mouse pad? i dont know where it is
--On your bed? writing n a bunch of shit
--In your desk? no
--On your ceiling? stuffffffffff
--In your closet? cloths, shoes, a keyboard, um stuff
--In your head? a BRAIN heheheh
