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Saskatoon Literary Agency's Submission Guidelines

How to Proceed:

  1. Query to the address below or e-query with a bio, brief synopsis, list of publishers who may have seen the work in question and any relevant publishing history. If you prefer to use traditional mail, don't forget an SASE.
  2. Await my response to your query. I am able to respond to e-queries much faster.
  3. If requested, submit the full manuscript, five to ten page synopsis and an SASE to the address below.
  4. I 'll make a determination as to the marketability of your manuscript within a few weeks, then contact you with my decision. Emails are welcome, but please don't telephone.

Unfortunately, manuscripts cannot be returned. Please do not enclose payment for return postage.

Do not enclose the refundable marketing fee of two hundred dollars for six months of representation (for more on this fee, please click here). That will be due upon activation of the Agent/Client agreement.

Please do not query until your manuscript is finished to your satisfaction. Write it, edit or get someone to do it for you, then query. There is no market for unfinished novels or novels in production.

Where to Submit Manuscripts:

Robert Lubbers

Saskatoon Literary Agency

1705 Shangrai-la SE

Grand Rapids, MI 49508

Manuscript Format: