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Related links for more information on the CBI theatre in WW II

For a 10th Army Air Force webpage, click here

For a CBI tribute webpage, click here

For an unedited chronology of all AAF events during the war years, click here

For a tribute page to a CBI vet in the 18th Air Service Squadron, click here

For a webpage dedicated to CBI Combat Cargo units, click here

For a tribute page to a B-24 crewmember CBI vet who served a Pandaveswar, click here

For a webpage dedicated to Merrill's Marauders, click here

For info about the 7th Bomb Group, click here

For a registry of B-24 crewmembers, click here

For info about WW2 aircraft museums and airshows in the U.S., click here

Related links for more information for WW II vets

For the Official National WW2 Memorial webpage, click here

For a nice website dedicated to WW2 vets, click here

Related links for more information on India

For maps of India, click here

For "Project Cyber Assam", click here

Related links for more information on Burma (now called Myanmar)

For info about Burma from the Lonely Planet Guide, click here

Questions and feedback

Last updated on Feb. 2, 2000