"Fear and Falling in Montana"
Episode Summary
"Fear and Falling in Montana"
Written by: Therese Beaupre and Edgar Lyall
Directed by: Peter D. Marshall
Aired on Nickelodeon: March 19, 2000 at 8:00 p.m.
My Overall Opinion of the Episode:
This is an excellent episode. Caitlin's closing epilogue is especially
interesting because it contains a thought-provoking insight into why people
allow themselves to be used.
The Cast:
Cynthia Belliveau -- Dori Lowe
Lindsay Felton -- Caitlin Seeger
Brendan Fletcher -- Eric Anderson
Jeremy Foley -- Griffen Lowe
Karen McKenzie -- Kirsten
Tania Saulnier -- Taylor Langford
William S. Taylor -- Mr. Haskins
Ken Tremblett -- Jim Lowe
Stephen Warner -- Brett Stevens
The Music
"Long and Beautiful" -- Dick 'N' Jane
"Wishing for a Sail" -- Dig Circus
Episode Summary:
A rather unique project is assigned in science class: students
are told to design a way to drop an egg off the roof of the school (30
feet above the ground) without breaking it. They are told to design and
build an appropriate container that will keep the egg from breaking when
it is dropped. Taylor, the most popular girl in school, asks Griffen
to be her partner. Taylor, however, is using Griffen in order to get
a good grade. She helps very little and lets Griffen do most of the work.
Caitlin realizes what is happening and tries to tell Griffen. Griffen,
however, is too caught up in the fact that the most popular girl is his
partner. He refuses to listen to Caitlin. When the time comes to drop
the egg, Taylor deliberately and carelessly throws the egg off the roof
at Caitlin who is standing below. It smashes into Caitlin's face, smearing
egg yolk on her face and in her hair. Taylor mocks and laughs at Caitlin.
The rest of the class mocks and laughs at Caitlin as well.
Episode Highlights:
1. Taylor is on the phone with her friend Kirsten. Taylor says,
"All I do is smile and laugh at his stupid jokes! Then 'egghead' does
all the work and I get an 'A' so I don't flunk the class!" Caitlin overhears
the conversation and confronts Taylor by saying, "Hey, you know what?
You're a creep! I know exactly what you're doing!" Taylor declares,
"I don't have to take this from a juvenile delinquent!" Griffen approaches
as Taylor is leaving. Griffen is angry with Caitlin and shouts at her,
"What did you say to her?!" Caitlin exclaims, "She was using you to get
an 'A!' I heard her on the phone!" Griffen, however, refuses to see the
truth and declares, "You don't know what you're talking about! No wonder
no one wants you! I wish you never came here!"
2. Griffen rushes up to Caitlin after Taylor throws the egg on
her. Griffen says, "I didn't know she was gonna' do it!" Caitlin angrily
says, "You're so cool now, right? You got your little blondie!" Griffen
says, "I told you I didn't know!" Caitlin responds, "Didn't know what?
That she's a user who treats people like--" Griffen interrupts, "Enough!"
Then Griffen adds, "But she wanted me to be her partner. She's the coolest
girl ever. And for two and a half days I was cool too. I know that you
don't understand 'cause you don't wanna' be liked. But I do." Caitlin
tells Griffen that the real reason that she was concerned was because she
didn't want Taylor to mess with him. Griffen responds, "But I did. Or
at least, I thought it was okay if she did. As long as I was cool. It
was me that had to find out that she was a scheming little jerk."
3. Caitlin's closing epilogue: "People don't like to be alone.
That's why Griffen let himself be used by Taylor. Deep down he knew what
she was doing. But he just couldn't admit it to himself."
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