My Second Page of Friends

Well well well...It looks like someone's been wandering around my page:) Well this is the last page...hope you enjoy.


Rob is my best friend's cousin. He's pretty damn cool. Not only is he good looking but he also purchased "liquids" for me:) And I'm still convinved that he mixed my cherry pucker with vodka. You can reach him at:

Ange & Brynn

These are my friends Brynn(on the left)and Ange(on the right) and the middle of them is the almighty Sugar Ray:)You can reach Brynn at: and Ange at:


This is stinky nuts:) Heehee...This is my friend Garret...He wishes he had a MUSTANG instead of a LeBaron:)You can mail him at: if you try to im him be careful...he might be jacking off at work:) really got slammed here:) sorry:)


This is my bud Tom. He is on the left. He is hot...but he's too old for me=( Anyway...I think this is him getting wasted with a friend:)You can mail him at :


This is my friend Matt. He is cool cuz he likes Limp Bizkit. We use to go into chat rooms and pretend that we were gonna have sex with crayons and stuff. Mail him at:


This is my friend Aaron. He goes to Notre Dame((poor kid)) heehee:) He plays soccer and I'm gonna assume he's pretty good since he played in Europe. He can do really cool things with his eyes too:) You can mail him at:


This is my girl, Christina! We always end up having the same guy problems and bitch together about it! You can mail her at: and if yer a guy don't give her anymore problems!

Mail me!

Click there to view my pictures:)

Click there to look at my friends

This is my other page of pictures...

These are my bikini pics:)

This is the story of my life...Tissues will be needed

Click here for yet another page of pictures