Pictures of Me

Hello! I'm guessing you got to this page by me scrolling it in a yahoo chat or something similar. If you didn't come through my index go to it after by clicking here:
Or visit my new page of pictures:
And by the way...the only person that uses these pictures are:,,,, and and PuckerLova on AIM. If you get these pictures from anyone else please email me the name they are using...thanks:)

Senior Picture

This is one of my favorite senior pictures. Sorry...but the next few captions are gonna suck cuz i can't really tell a story with senior pics

Senior Picture

Another one of my senior pics

Senior Picture

This is my cap and gown pic...I'm finally graduation...second in the class too:)


Well...the guy that was up here before dumped me on valentines day...this is my good friend, also named sure he wouldnt mind if i put him up here:) I love ya baby!:)But now for the SINGLE!!!

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Click there to look at my friends

Click there to see the second page of my friends

This is my other page of pictures

These are my bikini pics:)

This is the story of my life...Tissues will be needed

Click here for yet another page of pictures