Elyse Hyde
(note the newest update will be at the bottom of the page) 12:43 A.M. 7/24/00 News for the day, well first I'll explain the picture..I'm upset right now, and well look at me...do I look like I should be out in public? (If you answered yes to that you need your mental health checked!) It's funny...not everyday do you see someone in a pool hall with their hair done, oversized shorts and a t-shirt (which I had borrowed from my friend Alex whos much taller than me), dress shoes with white socks...boy thats sexy, and to top it off a purple feather boa (which I was borrowing from a friend). How did this wonderful outfit come together you may ask yourself? Well after prom we went out and I wasn't wearing me dress so I got clothes from many friends and this is what we came up with. Scary...but the reason it's hear is cause I know when I see it I laugh, so you can to, when you down come here and think to yourself at least I didn't look like that in public AH HA HA HA HA HA...it makes me feel better and I'm the poor fool that went out dressed like that. Ahh so anyways, hows life going...good, could be better. Well things are alright, I want things to be going better with my "special someone" it's worked out but still feel bad..I shouldn't, I mean it's done it was talked about, so now just wait and see what happens and do my part, right? Right, well I still feel kinda down and sad...but it's common I guess, so hmm :o/ Start back at work tomorrow...blach...well it's money right? But I'm going to Cedar Point in 2 days so I'll go have a blast and release all my stress on roller coasters all day screaming my lungs out :o) YAY!! Well I'll keep things updated here. But for now I'm out. Ellie P.S. I'll be probably changing the top picture from time to time...can you beleive it I have more horrible pictures AHH NO! Oh yeah and I'm 16 years old, live in Kalamazoo Michigan, if you want to contact me email me (the address is above) or you may reach me over icq 28472088 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::new add::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 9:58 P.M. 7/24/00 UGH!!! I've been working sense 7:30 this morning...I worked for 14 hours today! (But I made some good over time so it's good :o) I babysit...full time, and once in a while do some evening sitting too...obviously had some today. But still it was a LONG day. And tomorrow Cedar Point all day YAY!!!!! Can't wait. Talk to you soon Ellie::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::new add::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 10:03 P.M. 7/26/00 Cedar Point was great yesterday, in fact yesterday was great too! Had a wonderful time there. However today was a different story. I was really really looking forward to seeing my "special someone" we..or I don't know maybe just I had planned on spending this evening with him...guess I thought that cause when I asked him SUNDAY! if he'd like to do something WEDNESDAY NIGHT, he said YEAH I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING. Then when I double checked with him on Monday he said again YEAH I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING. So I call him today, what are we doing tonight hun? He says well I have to go do some stuff, I'll pick you up after work, then we'll go to my house cause I have to help my friend fix his bike. I'm thinking ok this is good, fine, we are still seeing each other right? Right. So he gets off work, and says I've got to work on my friends bike, can you get a ride over? If you can't I'll come get you later. So I'm still like okay...fine...I still get to see him.. Then he calls me at 9:45 and says I don't think I can see you tonite! WHAT THE FUCK! I have been looking forward to seeing him sense Monday..not to mention I won't get to see him this weekend cause I'm going up north to a family reunion. Great....ugh..this whole thing is so annoying...ugh.. (Sorry this isn't exactly nice or anything, but I've gotta vent at something) Talk to you soon Ellie::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: new add::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 8/1/00 9:42 p.m. OKAY! Second day of band camp over. YAY! Only 3 more to go..ARGH! I'm completely worn out, and very tired...my whole body is sleeping...but my head is awake..strange eh? Marching band camp...heh thats a joke...try BOOT CAMP! I'd have to say that it's about the same thing and if it isn't, it's close enough. It's hard work, but it really pays off in the end :o) So well, I need sleep...before I fall asleep at the computer. G'nite Talk to you soon Ellie:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: new add :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::12:14 A.M. 8-25-2000 Well school started last Monday, and I made it through my first week. Hooray for me, can you see it? The excitment on my face? Can you..? Well DUH of course not cause it's nonexistant. NO I'm just kidding it's not all that bad, I mean it's my senior year of high school, so well that alone helps out a lot! But as for other things such as the wonderful annoyances of life, my "special" guy (we're not very serious) we never see eachother...more like sorta dating, I don't know...But I never see him, cause he's always out riding his motorcyle cause the season is almost over. Well seeing him once in about 3 weeks isn't going over well with me. On the other hand with all my free time, I've been hanging with many other friends lately. Namely one in particular, whos company I have thourghly enjoyed...not using names of course...just cause. But we chatted online for a while, and then decided to meet, and have hung out I think for about 3 days this week. He's fun, getting to know him and stuff, talking. Talking is good...lets you get to know a person...well geez that was an obvious thing to say.. Alright I'll stop babbling about my crappy love life, and friend life. But all in all I'm happy with what I have, have the basics that I need. So things are good, I guess thats what I need to see more than what could be better, and need to realize at least it's not stuff that I really need...and my major problems are little normal annoyances of life. School is easy for now, I've got my friends, and I know if somethings really horrible that I can't solve I have support from them. So I have what I need. And I'm happy. Write agian soon Ellie::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: new add ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::10:26 P.M. 8/28/00 Hmm not much has happened. My special someone and I have had some stuff...like always. I'm sick of explaining it. We had some little tifts...like normal couples. It's pathetic the people that read this must think my bf is a total jerk...he's not that bad, I just don't talk about all the good stuff, but theres enough good stuff to balance out the bad. Which is good. But saturday well I'm still pondering some of it. I don't like fighting it, it's not good for you, and even with arguing someone can get hurt...not good. I heard an interesting lyric in an Incubus song today goes something like "What if I had a mustard drenched cucumber tied to my leg and I did not want my pants to get dirty?" (from the song Take Me To Your Leader)...yes stange lyric..but hmm well I don't know I find some humor, yet not humor in it (just keep smiling and nodding your head...it's okay if you don't understand me not many people do)...Alright well hmm advice for now...listen to Incubus, they are a great band! So there. I'm sure you can all understand that. (I mean that in a nice way...have to put my thoughts in order so others understand them...then even when I think they are they aren't.)Well I'll stop babbling now. G'nite :o) Ellie :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::new add::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 11/21/00 6:14 P.M. Okay well I'm sorry I haven't done any new updates lately, I really need to do it more. A lot has happened lately. Gone through a few bf's, and got a new one. First I'll talk about that, he's a really great person, sweet, caring, and all the other good things. And he and I have so much in common, it's just amazing. Things are just really good, and going great and I have no complaints. I really can't express into words how well things are going right now. Other parts of my life lately are also going good. The only really bad thing is that I've got GYM in school...Gym sucks...but I'm not going to complain..write more soon I hope :o) Ellie ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::NEW ADD::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 10:10 A.M. 1/2/2001 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! YAY! Hope everyone had a good holiday season. I had a decent one, spending time with lots of friends, eating food, having fun. Right now I'm kinda at work, but I'm babysitting and the kids are still sleeping so there isn't really anything for me to do. Things in life are well going slowly, there isn't really anything major going on, so I guess thats why it's been a while sense I've updated. Things with my bf are going well, still very happy and good, and :oD And my friend got me a really cool shirt for Christmas, it says "The Fraggle Rock" on it, and has the fraggles on it. The shirt kicks a lot of butt cause Jim Henson, the muppets, and the fraggles kick a lot of butt, I love it :o) well thats about it...wow I really need some more exciting stuff in my life, well I'm happy so I guess I don't :o) write more soon Ellie :o) Oh and by the way sorry for all the spelling errors and stuff...I'll fix it all eventually sometime... :::::::::::::::::::::3:21 am 1/16/02:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Well HAPPY NEW YEAR AGIAN...Pathetic that my most recent update was a year ago....Well I graduated, and I'm in college now YAY!!! Just started my second semester at Western Michigan University, I'm loving it :o) It's great. Well other than that things are good...not sure what else to tell ya though. Ellie