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Some Writings

Elyse Hyde

Alright people....if you're here I thank you deeply, because I need this stuff read, and you're doing a huge favor by reading this. I also need what you think on my writing, if you hate it tell me, if you love it tell me...if you like some and dislike others, let me know...just needing to know you thoughts, stuff like that. THANKS EVER SO MUCH! ************************************************************************************************************** This first piece I'm putting in here I wrote for my literature class last school year. This is the piece I am most proud of, and the piece I most want thoughts on, so thanks a bunch for not only reading it but also hopfully telling me what you think of it. THANKS! Oh btw, this is through a guys aspect in the story (just clearing it up...I've actually been asked more than once what sex he was......................................................................... ********************My Best Friend********************* ******************By: Elyse A. Hyde******************** For the last five years I haven’t been able to face my best friend’s death. Everything we did together, I blocked out. I was numb, and being numb was better than hurting. For five years, I have tried hard not to think about her, but I did every day. It’s not as bad as it was right after she died, but I still missed her. We were friends since we were about 17, we met in our freshman year at college. We met, and started talking, and had been friends ever since then. We lived together after college for 10 years, not as a couple, but as roommates...we lived together until she died four years after she was diagnosed with cancer. We did everything together for 16 years, I took care of her up until her last day, the last thing she said to me was, “Caleb, I won’t hurt anymore, don’t cry, don’t feel bad for me. Caleb thank you, thank you for meeting me, thank you for taking care of me, in the past months you stuck with me, you are a good friend and I am glad you were mine.” That was it, she woke up one morning, it had been a peaceful night considering what she had gone through in the days before her death. I had been sitting by her bed all night, and she looked at me and said that, and then she was gone. The last thing I told her was, that I loved her, that she was my best friend, I would miss her, and gave her a kiss. I don’t know if she was still alive or could hear me when I said it. And then gone. She looked peaceful though. I knew she was going to die, but when she finally did die, it still hurt. It hurt more than anything I have ever felt. The one thing we promised each other was our dream vacation. If one of us couldn’t go then the other would, only to honor the promise. Our dream vacation was to go to the Highlands of Scotland, and backpack there for an entire summer. We had talked about it many times, but never really had to money or time to do it, but we knew that we would in the end go and do it together. But after Zayde died, I just couldn’t even think about going on this trip. I still don’t know if I’ll be able to. But I do know that I have to go on with my life, and I don’t know how else to other than going on our trip. It will be hard and it will hurt, but it will help. It will make me face our dream alone, and I’ll do it alone. I’ll be able to honor my promise to her. So I was finally there. It was beautiful; the hills were an endless sea of green, the mist that hovered over them added the special mystical look. The rocks on them, they made a perfect bond with the hills. The farm houses, they fit in perfectly with everything else. They like everything else were beautiful. The people, were so hard working. They were without all the needs of today, their way of life, was so old, most would think of it as inconvenient. I thought it was the most wonderful thing in the world that not everyone has to have a rushed life. They have a hard life, but a wholesome one. They know what it’s like to be hungry, they know what it’s like to really work your fingers to the bone. I was taken in by all the beauty that I found. I wished more than anything that Zayde could be with me. Backpacking all day, camping all night. When I was walking, I spent a lot of my time thinking about her. Thinking about the times we spent together. Thinking about college, all the times we spent all night studying, and laughing. The day we moved in together. Our house was perfect for us. Just enough room to have some space, but still very small and cozy. It was all we really needed. I had sold it after she died, I couldn’t stay in the house that she died in. I remembered the day we moved in, because it was the first day I really realized I loved her. She was in every sense my best friend, she was the one I could talk to about everything. Zayde was my best friend, and I loved her. I loved her as a friend, a companion. I don’t know what would have happened if we had been romantic, but our companionship was more than just romance, it was a different kind of romance. It was the kind where you are so connected to the other person you don’t have to say anything at all, you just know when something is wrong. Sometimes you don’t even have to be with them to know they are hurting. You know the person so well, probably better than they know themself. It was an intellectual kind of romance and that was better than romance in my mind. At night I’d talk to her, of course not really her, but her spirit, or whatever of her was left. I would tell her how beautiful everything was, and how much I wish she could have been there. I’d ask her how she was doing, of course she couldn’t vocally answer me but I knew she was listening, and something in my heart told me she was great. I’d ask her if she hurt anymore. I would say I need to know, because you were in so much pain before you died, and you shouldn’t ever have any more pain. Again something told me that she was better. The summer passed on, and I made it. I did it, for her, without her, but in a way with her, because I thought about her and I remembered her. I remembered so many memories that it just filled me with happiness. Even though it was a painful ending, we had many good times. We had more good than bad. I was happy because I knew in my memory she would always live on. I didn’t have to let her die, and she didn’t because I wouldn’t forget. A day or two before I was going to go home, I had a dream about her. She was in my dream. It was real! She came and talked to me, she came back! It started out with me walking along a path that I had been on that same day. And I was walking along, and then she was just there, she just appeared in front of me. We both ran to each other. I felt her arms around me. She and I stood there arms around each other, I couldn’t stop the tears, it had been so long I just couldn’t stop them. When we let each other go, we stepped back to look at each other, she looked just like she did the day I met her, she was her again, healthy wonderful smiling joyful Zayde, I saw her again as I thought I never would..healthy. She smiled, looked at me and said, “Caleb, you look good, for 38 years old you look good.” Then she paused clearing the smile from her face, “Caleb thank you, for going on with your life, you kept your promise, you came. You went on, you remembered. I am so sorry I had to leave you but I am still with you. I watch you. I will be with you always.” “Zayde, I miss you, I miss you so much. I want you to come back, but I know you can’t. I want to know if you heard the very last thing I told you?” I said. “Yes I did, but I wasn’t really alive but not dead either. But I always hear you, when you talk to me, I still hear you, even though I’m not there I still hear you, and I always try to answer you in some way. Just remember I will always be with you, and that I love you. Thank you so much for keeping your promise to me, and to yourself.” When I woke up, I wasn’t sad, I was happy. I finally knew that Zayde was ok, and I knew that she was still with me. I missed her, but not as much. I wished I could see her every day, but knew I couldn’t. I could talk to her, and know she could hear me, and know that she would respond in some way or at least try to. She was still my best friend and always would be. And even her death couldn’t change that.