Sojourn of Faith

Robert Diffin

From the Book of Hebrews chapter 11.

This devotion is based on the eleventh chapter of Hebrews; what is sometimes referred to as "The Faith Chapter". I call it "Sojourn of Faith" because I think we all know what a sojourn is. We have all been sojourners of one kind or another in our lives. As a young man, I once hitch-hiked across Florida seeking some direction in my life. I went from Dunellin to Daytona Beach; partly on foot, seeking some new experience that might help stear me in a different direction. I ended up without money and with the sun going down as I watched the ocean start to darken as dusk began. It was then somehow revealed to me that God is the source of all things in our lives. I know it sounds like a long way to go to find out that one piece of information or enlightenment. But I know that it was something that would not have occured to me had I stayed in our Dunellin home and simply wrestled with my own thoughts.

Hebrews 11:1-3 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

In verse 8, Abraham obeys God in leaving his home in Haran when he was seventy-five. He wanted to live in a city which had a real foundation whose builder and maker was God(verse 10). While he lived, Abraham did not physically see the nation which God promised to make of him. Later, when Lot chose to move to Sodom, he was content to stay outside the city and tend his flocks.

In fact, all the people listed in this chapter had to act on their faith before seeing any evidence of fulfillment of what they sought. Does this mean we must travel through life blindly? Of course not. If faith is the substance of those things which we have not seen yet then faith is how we obtain our true sight. Faith, therefore, is our direction in our journey and our greatest result regardless of what we are seeking or asking. Nothing we can find in life can surpass the gift of faith which God gives freely to those who ask for it and seek it.

That is why Abel could give his sacrifice to the Lord and why Enoch chose the Lord over everything else. That is why Noah even gave up the world to follow God's commandments in building the Ark. All of the saints recorded in the 11th chapter of Hebrew made their sacrifices and waited on the Lord because of and for the sake of their faith. In so doing, they found the evidence of what they were hoping for.

You see, we have got to get a picture of the reality of faith. Faith is not just some concept or emotion that's nice to have. It is essential equipment for every task and is to be packed away by the blood-bought Christian and taken on every trip. For the practicing Christian, a strong, abiding faith is absolutely indispensible.

We also need to realize that real faith is an extremely powerful thing. One tiny seed of faith can produce a harvest the root and stalk of which can push aside whatever mountainous problems which might confront us; even as the Lord Jesus himself shared with us. If we put any limit whatsoever on our own faith, we betray all confidence in the omnipotent God from whom that faith comes.

God is the author and finisher of our faith. That means He is the source of all things for us and He alone can increase or improve our faith. When we examing the so-called "great religions" of the world we see they fall short because they depend on the offices of men to promote them. Christianity, however, has sprung up and even flourished oft times where conditions were adverse and social support was non-existent. Still, it is not just something that will get you through hard times but a deep, abiding reality that you can take with you at all times.

If God, therefore, is the author, giver, and completer of our faith, we needn't look in any other direction to receive or increase our faith. Also, God is perfectly able to see to all our needs wherever we might travel, in this life or the next.

Blessed Father,

Be our guide, our provision, and our companion on all life's journeys. Teach us that your word gives power to each and every promise you've given as our faith is kindled and the fire of your love multiplies that faith. With you we need never travel alone or walk in darkness. Lord, we know that every corner of the earth is illuminated by your Spirit. Thank you, Father, for your faithfullness by which we are carried away to abide with you in heavenly places. Bless your word, Father that we might increase in faith and thereby be enabled to go wherever you send us. Amen.



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