To us a Child is Born


David L. Mulherin

Isaiah 9:6 say’s “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Praise God in the highest. Praise Him.

Just reading this verse fills my heart, mind, and soul with joy and thanksgiving. Praise God. I cannot even start to contain myself when I think of what Christmas really means. It’s about the greatest gift ever given! A child, a baby boy. Emmanuel, which means “God with us.” Praise God. Glory in the highest. Amen. Joy, unspeakable joy that comes in knowing what the birth of this child is all about. More importantly, in knowing what the life and death of this one child was all about.

When I read the Christmas story found in Matthew 1:18-2:12 and Luke 1:26 through 2:40, I see a picture of what it was like. Let me try to show you this image. First, go back over 2000 years when there were no cars, planes, or trains. There was no rushing around to buy Christmas gifts, no TV’s, VCR’s, or telephones. It was a time when you could stop and smell the roses and not have to worry about the world coming to a stop because you weren’t on time. You were in a culture where farming and raising sheep are the main sources of income. There was still a need for carpenters, blacksmiths, merchants, and fishermen. You’ve been told that you must go to your hometown to register, which means you have to travel to Bethlehem, which was in Judea. The little town is packed with people, all there for the express purpose of registering. And there is absolutely no place to go. People were sleeping in the streets, yards, and any other place they could find to lay their heads. This was something that had never happened before and people simply were not prepared for it. In the midst of all the confusion comes one man and one woman ready deliver a child. The child could come at any given moment. Searching for a clean, dry place for her to give birth, this catches your attention and you follow them. You watch as they are turned away at each door. Worry and wonder comes over you. “How can I help,” you think. As a result, you begin to start searching yourself for a place for them to stay.

At last a place is found. But you think, “How can she stay here? It’s a barn. It’s unclean and damp. And there are farm animals everywhere…” You know she has to stay because she is in labor. As you watch, you notice a peace that comes over all the animals. There’s a presence of calm in the air. You notice a warmth, a feeling of protection. You know that no harm will come. You sense that the animals are there to protect and at just that second, the cries of a newborn baby are heard. There is a loud eruption of noise from the animals. The cows begin to moo, the horses and mules nay, the sheep baahing, the chickens clucking, and roosters crowing. You find yourself rejoicing over a baby, and for its parents, whom you don’t even know.

A crowd has gathered all in quietness, not knowing why. They are drawn there, just as you were. A child has been born. An everyday event to be sure. But this time, the world stood still. The world took notice. All of a sudden there’s this commotion. Shepherds are pushing their way to the front, insisting that they see this child. You stop one of the men and ask, “why the concern, why have you left the fields?” The shepherd tells of being in the fields and being visited by the angel of the Lord. He talks of how the angel told them that they must come to Bethlehem to see this child, the one that would free Israel. The angel talks of the fact that the Lord’s kingdom would reign forever and ever.

That night the stars shown brighter, the grass was greener, the trees were taller, and the rocks were larger. The entire world felt pride for the birth of God’s one and only begotten son, Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, Prince of Peace, Jehovah Jirah, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Comforter, the Peace Giver, the Blessed One, the Most High. The name of all names. The Lord Jesus Christ.

December 7, 2002


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