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What is your Passion?


David L. Mulherin

In the last week I have seen Mel Gibson’s new movie “The Passion of The Christ” twice. Both times I just sat there in awe at what I saw taking place on the big screen. I listened to the other moviegoers as some of them cried and others gasped at what they were watching. I wonder just how many people will truly understand what they watched and if it will affect their lives.

Was my life affected? Yes, it was. I didn’t cry but I watched intently and after the movie I wondered if the reason I didn’t cry was because I had hardened my heart. After much prayer and waiting upon the Lord I have come to see that just because you don’t cry at seeing the Lord being beaten and crucified doesn’t mean you weren’t touched by what took place. I wish I could sit and watch this movie all by myself with the ability to pause the film whenever I needed to and write down my thoughts. If I did it would probably take me eight hours to view this film.

I remember different emotions and different thoughts that came to me. There’s a scene where Jesus is carrying His cross down the street and at that point you can see the people mocking Him and throwing things at Him but what I saw was my sin. I saw myself standing there in the crowd. It was I mocking and spiting upon Him. I saw the sin of the world. The hate, rage, murder, adultery, drugs, alcohol, stealing and all kinds of worldliness and this caused me to feel shameful. I felt like dying for what I had done and I felt unworthy for what He was doing. When they were whipping Christ I felt the sting of the whip but yet I felt the pride of Christ as He endured the pain that I inflicted upon Him. Pride, yes, I feel that even though what Christ went through that day was unthinkable for me He had a pride in Him for me and for who I would become through Him. The price He paid that day no man before or after Him could pay. He paid the debt in full for your sins and mine.

His passion; Born to fulfill the prophecy of days gone by but lived and died for the days to come. If Christ had gone down this path and no one had surrendered to Him until you came along and you surrendered to Him in His eyes it was worth it all. We don’t understand this way of thinking but there is a heart behind it and that heart is called true love. Christ only wants to spend eternity with those that want to spend it with Him. But He loves us all the same. He waits for us to call Him. He never forces Himself upon anyone but waits for us to want Him. His passion was to live and die for us but we forget the last part of His passion and that is that He still lives for us.

What’s your passion and where is it leading you? Take a minute and think about it, write your thought’s down. Did you notice that your passion is also the direction in which your life is headed? Your passion is the driving force behind your life and the lives of your family. Your passion is what you are living for and in reality what you're dying for. Will you be able to take your passion with you when you die?

Titus 3:3 says “For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by men and hating one another.”

When your not walking with Christ this verse describes your life. It doesn’t sound like a fun time nor is it. I once lived this kind of life driven by money and the pleasures it brings, I never knew true happiness. I bought what I wanted when I wanted it and never looked back. It took me a long time to see what I was doing and how it was destroying my life. But I could not see it on my own; Christ had to point it out to me and by the time I saw Him pointing I was a broken man. To show you just how much love Christ has, when I was broken He was not condemning. The world was condemning and all those that I gave freely to were quick to point their fingers but not at themselves. They wanted me to help myself not understanding that none of us can help ourselves. It’s only Christ that can help but He waits. He waits for you and me to admit that we need Him the same way a parent waits for their child to ask for help. Then when we ask He’s right there and He stays there unless we walk away from Him.

Galatians 5:24 says “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”

Will you belong to Christ?

For the grace of God has appeared for the salvation of all men, training us to renounce irreligion and worldly passions, and to live sober, upright, and godly lives in this world, awaiting our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity and to purify for himself a people of his own who are zealous for good deeds. Titus 2:11-14

Take the time and watch the movie “The Passion of The Christ” and ask God to change you into the person He wants you to be. If you don’t go to the movies or can’t afford it then read the bible. Read in Matthew 26:17 thru 28:10 and then read it in Mark, Luke and John and ask God to open your eyes to His truth. What is your passion?

March 3, 2004


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