German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Michigan first Field Trials


Mr. Quirino Longo and Mr. Tim Tomas in the Bird field at barn course.
Highland Field Trial grounds. Highland Michigan.


Our first Sanctioned Hunting Test was approved by the American Kennel Club on Aug 27th 1985. Mr. Robert Hoffmeyer was the first Hunting Test Secretary and Mr. Robert Hoffmeyer arranged for the test to take place on September 22nd, 1985. The test was held at Highland Recreation Area. Silo course, Highland Michigan. The entry fee was $20.00 The first drawing for took place at 8:00 p.m. Saturday Sept 14th, 1985.

The Judges for the day were:

The Hunting Test Committee consisted of:

The Club had a total of 16 Junior entries that day and no Senior or Master dogs. Pheasants were used.

The qualifiers for the day:

Hunting Test Purpose:

The purposed of the sanctioned hunting test for dogs of the Pointer breeds is to afford and opportunity for a person to demonstrate a dogs ability to performance in a manner consistent with the demands of actual hunting conditions. Testing in this manner is to gauge the dog’s natural ability and training. The first Sanctioned hunting test was scored on a 100 point system which is a little different from today. Dogs were scored on a Category of 1 to 10 for Junior and 1 to 7 for Master and Senior. A perfect score was 100 points and this is what the scoring key looked like back then:



To have qualified for an award a dog had to score a minimum of 70 points with a score of not less than 5 points in any 10 point category and not less than 10 points in any 20 point category. Hunting Tests held by our club have been successful and have grown. The club now has two tests each year one in the Spring and one in the Fall.

As our Hunting Test reaches 30 years. The Club is very grateful to Mr. Robert Hoffmeyer for organizing our first Sanctioned Hunting Test and for his continued involvement and support in organizing every Club Hunting Test to present day.