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Thirsty Boots

Tomorrow I'm moving; I planned it yesterday. The sky is red as wildfire and I can't hear the moon's song ringing in my ears; I have no reason to stay. Mama's gone mad with hysteria, a blind mad could see more clearly then her, they're all out to get her, to get us, to get me. But Mama can't make me believe it, she's too old; if I had an inch for ever year she's lived I'd be a 100 ft tall with black and white features like a cow. Change is bad when your that old, change is hard when you can't see as well as the slime inside the aloe plant, that slips and slides out of the stem and down your throat, into your tummy, exploring your insides like Columbus in America, maybe she took a wrong turn somewhere. Maybe she's just tired, like a dog, like my cat that went to sleep in the ivy leaves and never woke up, maybe she just needs sleep. Mama taught me to be efficient, to work hard, and never take too much, but that was when I was young and mama was not so old. Now things don't change just for me; rules don't bend like they used to; mama stopped making them. So off I'm going; up, up and away, in one of those giant bird things, the ones that don't have flapping wings, the ones that fly in storms, and carry you in their belly like a seagull carries fish. Up into the sky, like a bird, like a cloud, like the moon and stars on a clear night, off and away to the magical land of ice cream faeries, where the moon shines all day and there's fire in the sky. I'm going where I can let my hair down and the wind will carry me away to the first rays of sunlight on the mountains, and I can feel the cold turning my cheeks pink and stay out even longer until they are red. I'm going where she cannot follow, to be warm, to be cold, to be looked after. I am going to find children laughing and dancing and singing in the rain, I am looking for my childhood. I am taking it with me, the lovers, the loved, I am bringing them all with me, to keep me company, to keep from forgetting, to keep me sane; a girl can loose her mind with out any cares, with nothing to threaten her, she can forget how to cry, not that I remember anyway. Yes, they are to keep me from loosing it, or maybe to help me find it again. I am going to find woodland, with deer tracks and sugar trees, with the trees they call "firs", I wonder, are they furry? Or do they just call them that because? I am going to find good climbing trees with no people to see me, I'm going to climb to the top and ask the eagles to teach me to fly, and I am going to fly. I am going to seek out the squirrels, to ask them how to grow a tail and maybe if I ask nicely, they'll show me how to grow some fur too. I'm going to ask the wolves to teach me to hunt, maybe they'll let me run with their pack, through the trees, over the hills, with the wind whipping at my hunches and the moon howling back at me, yes, I will run with the wolves. I am going where the rain slips down your face and it's not too hot and it's not too cold, but just right for swimming in. I am looking for my family, for the ones who left me behind, for the ones I haven't met yet, I am looking for tomorrow, I am looking for today, I lost yesterday, it flew away when I tried to hold it with me. I am leaving tomorrow, to look for the day after, to look for my happiness, to find what I'm looking for. I am moving tomorrow; I planned it all yesterday...