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The Still Frame of My Life

This is where I am putting the pictures of me as a child & of the people I love, the ones that will allow me to display them online that is. These pictures are very important to me. The trust of my family & friends is also; please look, but do not touch. ;-) have fun!

My Family

This the last picture of my family all together, I was 6 months old in here. going from left to right: in purple is my eldest sister Zeneta; behind her is my father; beside him is my mother who is holding me on her lap; infront of her is my sister TAD; next to her is my brother Johnny; behind him is my sister Bunny & beside her is my other sister Mary.


This is me in preschool, I was around 3.

3rd grade

This is me when we lived in Oroville, I was about 9.