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The Still Frame of My Life -part 3

Easter 97 #2

Febuary 13

This was taken by my best friend Amy. The guy I'm with in it is Jon, "my love slave" (told you I'd use it *wink*) We've been going out sence mid January of this year & he has quickly become one of my closest friends of all time. I don't know where this will lead, but I think perhaps my life has increased in worth (at least to me) through his gentle influence. I love you Jonathon.

My Best Friend

This is Amy, my best friend out of all my friends. I've known her sence I was 3, we went to preschool together. We've been best freinds sence 4th grade, but I trancfered from school to school alot & we lost touch, untill we met up again in the last quarter of 5th grade & have been inseperable ever sence. I love Amy, she's closer to me then most of my sisters, she has always been there & hopefully, always will be.