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My Name

My name goes on forever; it means freedom; it means hope; it whispers future in the shadows when the promises of tomorrow aren't worth to tortures of today. My name is Elizabeth, like in England before she was queen, like Aunt Betty who lives in Wisconsin, the land of cheese. Aunt Betty, the ex-lizard-woman who hates my name. She hated that I got it; my mother says she was so angry she made them promise never to call me "Liz" even though I like it better. Aunt Betty, who sends us cheese every Christmas and letters once in a while. But I like my name, even though Aunt Betty hates it. It's pretty, like a flower, like a hawk when she's nice to you; like a rainbow, like daisies, like a sunset over the mountains, like blueberry muffins & maple syrup; my name is sweet like breakfast. It tastes good on your tongue; it sounds like roses in the wind; like a starry night sky; like wisdom & freedom & capture, and love and hatred, all in one word. My name means everything; tomorrow and yesterday and the day after; my name means hope and loyalty, and freedom, my name means promises like tomorrow and forever, my name means the journey from here to the end, but never quite reaching a stop, my name is the promise of dreaming, of believing, of what may come.