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A Moment in Time

It was late one night Under the silvery moon And the silence had made for a peaceful out look on this landscape we call life, That for some is forever and others, just a moment in time.

The gray crept over her like a storm cloud And I watched as the pain flushed her eyes blood red. I wiped the sweat off her brow And held back the tears as her trembling slowed And I barely had time to choke out these words as the last glow of light faded to ashes; "I love you, Amy…"

It wasn't long till the shock wore off, She'd died in my midst, In our beat up apartment and I just stood there, Helpless to stop it. It was selfish now, The way I clung to her lifelessness and cried. And all that hurt to fear the most was the she could not forgive me, For failing her this once, That I could not help her when she needed me most, Could she have forgiven me? For all that I tried?

Once the stillness was too much And the heat no longer hers, but mine, I crept into my room and wept my selfish sorrow, In tears of shame I beg; Give me back those stolen years of my life, That I might not feel this pain And you would have lived forever. Forgive that I'd trade the last days of your life to spend with you again the carefree ones. I fear I'd trade my forever for just one last moment in time…

May 22, '99

Lizzybeth Fairchild