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Pages to some of my Friends


Updated: February 18th, 2002

Full (Birth) Name: Jaime Nicole Parks

Nick names: Beautiful Diseaster, JLove, Jaime Love, Jaimsters, Tight ass, J-Bitch, Screamer, Love, Nicky, 'Lil Carey, Psycho, Scream Queen, Jaime Bear, Sparks, Psychotic, Blondie, Hottie, Jameses, Nicole, J, JJ, JP, Lard Ass (ask Sharon hehe :P:), and some more.

Age: 17

Birthday: December 5th, 1984

Sign: Sagittarius

Place Born: St. Joseph Mercy Hospital

Grade: 11th JUNIOR!!

City: West Bloomfield

State: Michigan

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 135

Natural Hair Color: Brown

Hair color right now: Brown

Eye color at birth: Cool Blue

Favorite Bands: Stabbing Westward and some others (Linkin Park, etc)

Favorite Color: Electric Blue

Eyes now: Exotic green to like an Olive Green

Glasses/Contacts: Clear Contacts by day and Glasses sometimes, any time of the day

Pets: Dog, Susie (14)

Parents: Mom and Dad

Sibs: Brother Sean (23)

Pants: Size 7, for looser, 9

Shorts: Size 5, 7

Shirts: Size M, L

G.P.A: I didn't care Freshman year, messed up last year as well as being sick a total of 4 months, got my ass together this year... and yet I have a 2.2 over all :o(

College Plans: Anywhere that's good and where I'll major in Computer Science or Law or FBI stuff :), I haven't decided yet but I'm more toward Computer Science although everyone tells me I would be a great lawyer. Maybe Oakland Univ...or Central... doubtful FL state, U of M or Embry Riddle in Daytona Beach.

Piercings or tatoos: Ear's and belly button

1st Kiss:(peck) In Daytona Beach FL, when I was 12 2/3 to a guy named Mike June from New York.

2nd Kiss: (real) Jon Acker, on October 9th @ homecoming. We're apart but I hope we can be close friends.

Longest Relationship: With Jon. 3 months and 3 weeks exactly.

Longest ON and OFF:With Scott, 8 months this May 2nd :)

Currently My Boyfriend: Scott Beckett :) I LOVE YOU HUNNIE!

Idol: Jennifer Love Hewitt

Been told I look like: Jennifer Love Hewitt, Brook Shields, Sandra Bullick, Claire Danes, Angelica Houston, Christina Ricci, Julia Roberts, some model (don't know the name :( but my uncle says she model for Tommy), Neve Campbell, Wanona Ryder, and more (I will write them all as soon as I remember them)

Interests/Hobbies: My boyfriend LOL :oP RWARR!! Computers, Poetry, Writing Poems and Music, Music, Modeling, Acting, Singing, Dancing, Men, Volleyball, Making a fool out of myself, Shopping, Sleeping, Learning more about computers and things that are interesting, Soccer, Swimming, Roller coasters, Golf, Sky diving, Bunji Jumping, Movies, Concerts, Men, Engineering, Nintendo Games, Parties, Ice Skating, Beaches, Cars, Men, Traveling, Photography, Sleeping, Meeting new people and a lot


Have you ever been in love? Yes I have, he was the best thing that has ever heppened to me. For a while I thought it was a false alarm... but I don't think so anymore.

If you had to tell someone something what would it be: I wouldn't be able to tell one person something... I'd have to tell everyone that I'm sorry if I ever hurt you.. I'm not the kind of person who hurts others.... I just have a hard time making choices without hurting someone in the process (that type situation)

Whats the biggest thing you've ever regretted?: I have a lot of regrets... some are more than others... but I can't pick one more than another... Like my first boyfriends sister once told me, "The only things we regret most in life, are the risks we never take"

Are you a virgin?: no comment....... September 1st :) I LOVE YOU SCOTT :) hehe