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Pictures from April 2001

April 1st this year I had a modeling thing I went to with a friend of mine. If you want to know about it IM be but this is a picture from the event. I look funny! LOL! We had to do poses etc, it was fun.

LOL! LOOK AT THAT ASS! EW! It’s huge! LOL! When I did the turn I looked at the audience and winked :oP I wish we would have gotten a picture of it. It was cute.

Once I was there, and the 200 girls were ready to stuff your faces, I spotted a good friend of mine from school. *Gemini*

Ah it’s ended! AND I DIDN’T FALL!! Actually during the practice rounds, I did slip lol!

Aww LOOK! It’s JaiME!! (With tons of makeup might I add! They wanted me to put on mascara and everything, I did everything but the mascara, I don’t wear it, I hate it.

Well this explains how much make up I had on my face LOL! SEE THE SHINE! No, actually there was something on the film so… yeppers.