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Pages to some of my Friends

Elementary School

Updated: September 30th, 2000

Remember to click the pic and then you will be able to see my other page of it.. plus up close.

5th Grade.........................4th Grade.........................3rd Grade

2nd Grade...............................1st Grade.....................(Stil have to scan kindergarden picture.)


I attended Scotch Elementry School in West Bloomfield. I started in 1990 and ended 1996. Ya know 90-91, 91-92, 92-93, 93-94, 94-95, 95-96... I have an easy school year cause the year I started was the year I was in. Ex: 1991-1992 was 1st Grade.

I had a fun 6 years at the school. I also had many crushes but I was turned down by all of them. Boys didn't seem to like me. And I thought I was ugly... Now as I look back at my school pictures I don't think so... well except 5th grade... Gimme a few to think about that one. LOL :P :)

My kindergarden year I had Miss. Man now Mrs. Arbit (same person). First Grade I had Mrs. Bloom., Second Grade I had Mrs. Bozic. Third Grade was my over all favorite. I had Mrs. Lanfear. She is the sweetest teacher and woman alive!. Fourth Grade I had Mrs. Pointkouski and O'Nell. And my Fifth Grade year I had Mrs. Cox.