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To those of you who frequent this page, I apologize for the lack of an update and dead link corrections. While I appreciate your email, it hasn't always been possible to answer them all due to other demands on my time. I am now however able to get around to some of this, so if you have any suggestions on what you might like to see from this page, do not hesitate to write. Thanks again for your continued interest and stay tuned!

Hello and welcome to an unofficial homepage for my hometown, Lorain, Ohio.

The city of Lorain presently has a population of roughly 73,000 people and is situated on the southern shores of Lake Erie. The Black River splits the city in half and empties into Lake Erie.

As time permits, I will be adding many photographs to the links you see below. They will be both recent and historic. Many of them are taken from my postcard collection as well as borrowed from various friends here in cyberspace. It is my goal to present a historically accurate and colorful view of this hard working, ethnically diverse and proud city that I have called home, for much of my life.

It is also hoped that students and historians may gain something from this effort as well...... So please browse the streets and memories of Lady Lorain.....

Lorain Area Links

Happenings in the greater Lorain Area
Lorain's Newspaper - The Morning Journal
Current Lorain Area Weather Conditions
Map of Lorain, Ohio
Black River Historical Society
Lorain High School Home Page
Lorain City Schools
The Lorain County Metro Parks
The Lorain Tornado of 1924 (page #1)
The Lorain Tornado of 1924 (page #2)
The Lorain Tornado of 1924 (page #3)
Lorain Lighthouse Tour Information

Friday, March 28, 2025

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