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Related Sites

Mits is committed to the developments of new technology that will improve communication  and development of the individual.

The Internet is becoming very rapidly a way to make us improve our skills, communicate better, obtain facts and improve our learning curve.

Millions of web sites are available that can increase our performance by providing us with faster and better information.

We have chosen some web sites below that we are convinces will add value to all those interested in the field of industrial services and estimating. Please let us know how you experience our site so the we can
improve it even more.

API Home page

The American Petroleum Institute (API ) gathers all trends and news related to the Oil industry. It also issues standards for the whole oil industry world wide.

Project Management

The Project Management Institute ( PMI)
is an organization dedicated to the enhancement of the field of project management. Download their Body of Knowledge

American Welding Society

Nowadays every construction has welded components. Visit the AWS to keep yourself up to date on the latest welding

Estimating Guidelines

RS Means is world renowned for his
publications on estimating all type of activities, projects, maintenance, cleaning etc.

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