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Feelings that became images in one mind. Only to be expressed, as inked words on miniature canvas.


To grasp a rose for its beauty

Brings to it - death

Respect the beauty of the rose

Value the love of ones heart

For to hold ones heart for its love

Brings forth spite

Admire love and beauty from afar

Let go

Your love grow



Thoughts of you

Fill my mind

One who accepts me

For what I am

Though through fate

That we met

Together we'll share

Lifes smiles and sorrow

Not a day passes

When all thats broken

Can't be mended

By thoughts of you



Silence lives in the darkness

It feeds on your hate

You become numb

Your mind sedate

The only true darkness

Lives within

Open your eyes

Open your heart

To the life giving skies

Breathe in the light

Murder the darkness

That lives within

Silence no more

Hear the Earths song

Darkness be gone


This Tarot reading is meant as entertainment and cannot compare to an actual reading.

<bgsound src="PinkFloyd.mid" loop=infinite>