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About My Best Friends

Angie-She's always there for me, even in the worst times. I love her like a sister. We're nothing alike and yet we've been friends for four and a half years. LOL.

J'Lynn-She's a great friend and always there to talk to. She's a good singer and she's from the great state of Texas. We've been friends for four years and I'm happy to say we've never had a fight of any kind. She's really fun to be with. Believe me, there's never a dull moment.

Sherri-One of my best friends. :-) I've known her for an insane eight years, we met on the first day of First grade on the bus. hehe. Those were the days. But now, alas, she lives in North Carolina and I'm in Michigan. She moved in fifth grade and we lost touch for a few years, but now we talk a lot. hehe. I haven't seen her in a long time, like two years... hehe. Maybe this summer. I'm going to North Carolina for a few days for my brother's Division II National Championship Track Finals. Maybe I can visit! :-)

Linds-How could I forget my fave cuz?? She's one of my best friends actually, even though I only see her about twice or less a year because she lives in Boston, MA. I miss you girl!! But when we are together we have fun every minute!!! I love you, girl! I can't wait till I go there March 10th!! :-) *another track final* :-)
