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My Pics
    I got a scanner so I have a few pics now. This one is my little baby bunny, Sunny. She's so cute. Don't you think so?
    She's only a few weeks old in this pic, but now she's almost a year old!! Her birthday is on June 11. She was born on June 11, 1998.
    She's a mini-lop, so she doesn't get any bigger than that. We think she's siamese, but we're not sure. She only weighs about three pounds, so she's pretty light. She's a very energetic bunny, she loves to run around and even upstairs!!

    This is a flower that Nick drew in my yearbook. It's pretty.

    This is my YMCA card. LOL. This is how I look normally.

    This is me and my boyfriend Tyler for our homecoming. :-) Isn't he hot?? Sorry, he's mine!!!! We've been going out for almost seven months! :-)
