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Your F'n Role Model Arrives!!

[The scene opens up somewhere in New York, Buffalo New York to be exact. The camera man is wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a polo button up shirt. He walks up to a large brick building, maybe four stories tall, there are large glass windows, tinted black, and a large set of doors. On the windows the words "Storm's Gym" can be seen in white, underneath it reads "Role Model for Many" The camera man opens one of the doors and walks in, the interior looks more like a business building than anything. He looks around, confused by the many different hallways and doors, but in between it all is an information desk with a woman working. The camera man walks up to the info desk, the woman gives a large smile as he approaches. ]

Woman - Hello, welcome to Jon Storm's physical training center and wrestling training facilities, how can I help you?

Camera man - Yes, I am from the Mayhem Wrestling Alliance, I was told that Jon Storm wanted to give a few words about his recent signing with the federation.

Woman - He has been expecting you, please take the left hallway, down the elevators, go up to floor four and go right until you reach a door saying "Owner Only".

[The camera nods his head and begins down the left hallway. After a short distance he reaches the elevator, he pushes the "up" button and waits. As the elevator opens, a few people step out, each wearing sweats and cutoff t-shirts and all sweating profusely. The camera man steps on the elevator and presses for the fourth floor, the doors close and he begins accending the building. The elevator stops at floor four and the doors slide open, revealing another hallway, the camera man turns right and continues down until he reaches the last door. "Owner Only" is the title of the door, as the camera man knocks, but instead of being greeted, only a voice can be heard telling him to enter. As he walks in, light pours in from the windows in the room, a large desk in the middle of the room, and all around are large trophy cases holding various title belts and awards. Sitting behind the desk is a tall man, with long flowing blonde hair, blue eyes.]

Jon Storm - Mayhem Wrestling Alliance...Brad Bommer...a former opponent of my own. That was a long time ago, now the owners of this fine federation, one chosen for this long awaited day. Many people have seen before, the famous matches between Jon Storm and Chaos, or maybe remember the TDW Rumble, where I, Jon Storm, single handedly defeat 27 other wrestlers to capture the World Title. These people live in the past, what once happened and they wish for the old days, what they once had, but today is not yesterday, but a step into tomorrow. NOW is what they should only care about, but yet they don't. Now many others do not remember these days of glory for me, they do not care of my prior acomplishments, because they are just that, prior, meaning they do not apply to now. Those are the ones working to be on their own, to make themselves a memory or so called legend, but those do not know the hardships brought by that grace.............what the hell.....what am I talking about? I sound like one of those gothic dark guys who write poems and crazy lyrics for the fans.

[Storm drops his feet off the table and sits straight up. He picks up a cup off the desk and tosses it toward his face, water splashes his tanned skin and he shakes it off. His long blonde hair finally settles and he looks right back to the camera.]

Jon Storm - Mayhem Wrestling Alliance, Your F'n Role Model has arrived! Now I retired maybe seven months ago, and took my time building this great business, a gym and a training center for starting wrestlers. Everyday I was in the ring downstairs and I imagined the cheering fans, the sound of the pyrotechnics and most of all the one, two, three as I covered my opponent. I missed it all, and I thought to myself, the wrestling world won't be the same without me. So here I am, a little rusty, but in great shape and looking for a fight. I may be new to a lot of guys, but I am no stranger to the wrestling ring, strangly enough, as you all have been here longer, I will forever be The Franchise of Wrestling. The only one man who can, by himself, bring in millions of dollars and fans back to the sport. Many people have argued my point, but each was put in place by The Superstar, Jon Storm. I came to this federation, not looking for a World Title, not looking for money, but looking for my fans, looking for the people who I have represented in the past. These fans need a hero to cheer for, a big time winner and an all around great wrestler, which is simply put, Simply Stunnin' Jon Storm! Now I am not familiar with the current position of the federation, who hates who, who loves who, but I am sure I will be finding out shortly. I came to this federation looking to start up my legacy once again and prove time and time again who really is the Best of the Best. Anything looks good to me so far, as you look around the room, various trophies from my older federation, every World Championship, every TV title, and even Tag Team titles that I held in numerous promotions across the world. Japan, England, Mexico, Canada and America, I fought all over. Being one of the greatest technicians in the sport, Amazing is one way to put my abilities. I see guys come in the ring, boasting about being the Champion someday or having these gothic dreams, but with all that voodoo and dreams behind you can't compare to the fans of the sport. The fans are what give energy, excitment and mainly enough life to wrestling, without them we are nothing. I give back to them what they deserve, and that is the best everynight I am in action. I am putting an open challenge to anyone out there who even dares to say anything about The Superstar, be it to fight or to join forces, I am all for it. I have no place other than in the ring kicking ass. A match would be great anytime, so if you have what it takes, step up to the plate and take a swing at Your F'n Role Model! Beware mWa, Your Storm has arrived!


[Storm gets up and throws away the empty cup. He walks over to his trophy cases and looks at the many titles he once held. XWF World Title, the TDW TV Title, and his most prostegious, the EWF Grand Slam Champion award. The screen fades out on a small name plate reading "mWa".]

OOC: Short, but sweet with nothing but off the top of the head stuff, pretty good for not Rping in seven months. I'm getting back into it!