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You Say Good-bye & I Say Hello

Isaac, Taylor, and Zac perked up when they heard the opening riff of their song being played. Isaac was immediately entranced by Kay's good looks, while Taylor fell in love with her ability to "really make the song talk," as he put it.

Zac, on the other hand, was impressed by everything about her.

By the end of the song they were all solid in their belief that they could make her a huge star if they could just get her signed to their record label.

"She's incredible!" Zac exclaimed.

"She sounds better singing our song than we do," Tay raved.

"She's gorgeous!" Isaac said, half drooling.

"Leave it to Ike to spot a person's best qualities," Zac said sarcastically.

"I wonder if she'd agree to sign up to our label?" Tay asked the others.

"Oh my God! She's coming this way," Isaac exclaimed. "Do you think she saw us back there? Oh God, I hope I don't look stupid or anything."

Zac, the ever-faithful wise guy, messed with his brother's head by saying, "Actually, other than that humungous booger hanging out of your nose, you look great."

"What? Where?" Ike then proceeded to run into the bathroom to remove the offensive object.

Zac and Tay burst out laughing at the way their older brother had freaked out over Zac's comment. They shut up quick when they overheard a girl asking the singer if she was getting ready to leave her beau. The two then listened, unnoticed, to the conversation, gathering all the information they needed to know that signing her to Mercury Records would be very easy.

When they discovered that Kay was getting ready to pack her bags and skip town, they realized that they'd have to move quickly if they were going to catch her before she was gone for good.

As she walked away, the one named Chani stomped into the bathroom, nearly knocking Isaac over as he made his way out of the men's room. Not knowing what was going on, he simply returned to his table, looked at Zac, and uttered, "Smartass."

Zac and Tay once again burst out laughing, but were again interrupted. This time it was Isaac commenting on how he hoped the beautiful singer would be back the next night.

"Oh crap! We gotta catch her before she leaves," Taylor cried as he jumped up to go after Kay.

Isaac, ever clueless, asked Zac what that was supposed to mean. Zac then explained the whole thing to Ike as they followed their brother out to the parking lot, where Taylor was already talking to Kay about their interest in her ability to be a chart topper.

After introducing his brothers, Tay asked if there was some place they could go to talk about it, since it would probably be hard to talk in the bar.

"I've got a better idea. Why don't I go home, pack a few goodies, and then I'll go with you wherever it is you're going? And we can discuss it along the way," Kay suggested.

The flabbergasted trio agreed, then waited patiently as Kay packed her stuff into her car. They hooked her car to the back of their Winnebago, then hit the road.

They talked all night, each brother taking turns at the wheel of the Winnie, and by dawn they had worked up a living arrangement for Kay, set up an appointment for her with the Mercury people, and had quickly become friends.

They pulled into a Wisconsin truck stop around 9AM. Kay's first errand was to buy two postcards. One she sent to Chani.

Dear Chani,

I know you don't like me much right now, but I want you to know that I'm all right. I'm at a truck stop somewhere in Wisconsin. I just got off the phone with an executive at Mercury Records … you know, the Hanson label. I think they want to sign me. Wouldn't that be awesome? Well, I'll keep in touch.


The second postcard was addressed to Danny.

Dear Danny,



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