Someone Else's Star

Kay stood in front of the usual Danny's Pub Friday night crowd, picked the microphone up from its stand and closed her eyes.

She took a deep breath as the music started, envisioning herself on the stage of good old WakevilleHigh. She opened her eyes, looked at Danny, then began to sing.

"If I'm gone when you wake up, please don't cry. And if I'm gone when you wake up it's not good-bye..."

The song was “With You in Your Dreams” by Hanson. She sang with all of her heart and soul, pouring every bit of emotion she had into the lyrics as they flowed off of her tongue.

As the song ended, she calmly put the microphone back on its stand, bowing for the thunderous applause before returning to her seat.

"That was incredible! I never knew you had so much soul. You were wonderful," Danny and Lane raved.

Kay graciously accepted their compliments, all the while looking at her best friend, Chani, who remained silent and composed. Kay sat for a moment, sipping her Dr. Pepper and contemplating her friend's knowing expression, then excused herself to the ladies' room. Chani did the same, then waited until they were almost to the restroom before saying what Kay had been praying not to hear, but was expecting nonetheless.

"You're going to leave him, aren't you?"

"I don't believe I follow," Kay said, trying to dodge the question.

"Don't play with me, Kay. I've known you too long for you to think you can convince me that you don't know what I'm talking about. Now are you, or are you not?"

Kay, wanting to get past this subject s quickly as possible, simply said, "Yes."

"I don't believe you! You’ve spent the last five years that I've known you complaining about how I always got the guy, and you never got to feel any love. Then you finally get a man, and less than a year goes but before you're ready to leave him? Did I miss something here?"

"You just don't understand."

"You're right. I don't. I thought you liked Danny. You always talk about how wonderful he is. I guess I just figured you'd want to keep him for a while, that's all," Chani said.

"He asked me to marry him, Chani," Kay said, sounding completely pathetic.

"All the more reason to stay with him!" Chani exclaimed, exasperated. "He's stable. He owns the bar, for God's sake! If you stay with him you're guaranteed to be singing for a packed house every night. I know you'd like that, because you put music before men. Why, I'll never know, but hey, that's just you."

Kay hated it when Chani tried to reason her into things. "It's not about the singing, or the stability. Well, it's sort of about it. But not completely. He loves me Chani, wants me to marry him, and I don't return his sentiments. I've only stayed with him this long because … well ..." she bent her head sheepishly."Every night's an adventure."

"Kay Smith, I do believe that is the shallowest thing you have ever said. And suddenly I don't want to be around you."

Chani was truly offended.

"Excuse me? You don't want to be around me because I'm being shallow? What about Steven? you left him because he wasn't an after dark adventure for you. I thought you were the single shallowest person on the face of the planet just then, but did I get your case about it? No. You think that your circumstances are different just because every guy you've ever met wants you, and only one wants me? Well you're wrong Chani. You're no different. But fine. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm getting the hell out of this nowhere bound town. I'll send you postcards along the way until I get settled, and then I'll send you a real letter, so that you'll know I'm okay. If you don't write back I won't bother you again, and if you do ... well, we'll see."

At that Kay turned and walked to the table to tell Danny that she was going for a midnight drive to think about his offer, then left.

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