The Latest ABout Harry

To: Rev.Dr. Alphonse Gucci, AICAP

From: Harry Bout 180741, Carson City Correctional Facility, P.O. Box 5000, Carson City, MI 48811-5000

Dated: May 22, 2002 [Postmarked November 1, 2002]

[Received November 8, 2002]

Dear Rev. Gucci,

I just got your letter the other day forwarded from Munising. It was good to hear from you. Please do make a record of my address change, now that I'm at Carson City.

The Lord must be in the process of answering my prayers! Today attorney Lawrence, together with Dutch TV news correspondent, came to visit me. The newsman interviewed me for about 3 hours, and bought 8 picture tickets to make photos of me since they could not bring in their camera equipment. They plan to air my story the Saturday after next. They will be interviewing people about my case the next 3 days.

Then the Grand Rapids Press called the prison to ask to interview me, and Dutch National TV correspondent. The TV guy said that out of 16 million population over a million people view his program. That's a lot of people. It will also be on the internet he said, and he was going to give Lawrence the information to find it.

They also said something about CNN foreign segment might pick up on this so we can get some local spotlight. Please pray that this happens and that the other media people pick up on it too. The more the better.

Well, it's been a long day for me, so I will close for now and mail this to Lawrence as soon as I can get a SASE from him. He said he would send one when he visited so it should be soon if he keeps his word. Please let me know if you receive this.


Harry Bout


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