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About the Artist

Alan J. Belville
15401, 220th Ave
LeRoy Mi 49655
Phone 231-768-5859
Phone 231-876-3906

Alan (Al) was born in 1959 - back when cars had tail fins! He started sketching and painting at the ripe old age of 10 and has been at it ever since.

Al's favorite Artist? Well, you always hear of that special teacher that the student never forgets! For him, that would be Richard Wolfgang - His highschool Art Teacher and favorite artist.

Right after school, Al and his family gave 14 years of service to the Air Force.

After leaving the military with an honorable discharge, Alan began work with an Engineering Group. He has now worked in as a Research and Development Technician and Industrial Designer for 14 years.

Al has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree

He has been married to his lovely wife Chontae since 1979 and together they have two children - (Carrie and Nathan) and as of 4 Jan 2006, one Grandchild - Kahlan. SO FAR!!!!