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The following family reports have already been prepared although in most cases, further research could be done:

Pages Price

Acker, Henry 22 $110

Aemisegger, Nicolas 10 60

Angell, Jason 16 80

Armstrong, Benjamin 12 60

Ayers, Frazer 10 50

Bargy, John 20 100

Barkley, Ezra 6 30

Barrett, Michael 4 20

Beebe, Justus 4 20

Blakely, Dan 17 85

Bradford, Hiram 11 55

Button, German 10 50

Byers, Joseph 8 40

Case, Solomon 15 75

Churchill, Norvell 6 30

Coulter, Cyrenius 16 80

Daly, John 4 20

Dempsey, Peter 14 70

Derenzy, William 14 70

Dick, Isaac 3 15

Durocher, Luke 14 70

Elder, Ashley 5 25

Elzinga families, the 23 115

Empey, Christopher 18 90

Finch, W. 8 40

Folsom, Dan 7 35

Frye, John and Hannah 5 25

Gee, Samuel 11 55

Ginther, Geo. 3 15

Harrington, Nelson 26 130

Hebden, Christopher 8 40

Hinton, Carleton 3 15

Hollenbeck, Andrew 18 90

Hoopfer, Savery 10 50

Horton, Samuel 13 65

Kaiser, Lucien 22 110

Kellogg, E.C.C. Dr. 5 25

Kidder families (3) 20 100

Lesher, Samuel 15 65

Ludwig, Martin 10 50

Maxwell, Asa 3 15

McLaughlin, James 19 95

McVicar, Alex 21 105

Patterson, Ephraim 15 75

Richards, H. Clark 12 60

Nichols, Reuben 6 30

Odell, Hiram 19 95

Patterson, Ephraim 13 65

Powell, Benjamin 26 130

Robinson, Hi 3 15

Rodenbaugh 3 15

Sarasin, Basil 10 60

Seegar, P. 3 15

Stocking, Jared 10 50

Stoner, 4 20

Taylor 12 60

Thayer, Lucius 19 95

Vancamp, Levious, his 13 65 siblings & descendants

Vance, Henry 41 150 (special circumstances permit a discount from the regular $205)

Washburn, Samuel 26 130

Way, Lewis 14 70

Wealch, G. 5 25

Weatter, Christopher 3 15

Willis, John 14 70

Woolcott, Edgar 8 40

Wylie, 6 30

York, Silas 6 30

Any of these family reports may ordered with a check sent to:

Antrim Families 3901 E. Old State Rd East Jordan, Mi. 49727 or may be paid for with a major credit card

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