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Teen Pregnancy/Parenting Message Board Webring

Requirements for Joining the Teen Pregnancy/Parenting Message Board Webring:
1. You must have a SUPPORTIVE message board/s for, but does not have to be limited to, pregnant and/or parenting teens. :)
2. There has to be a link to your main homepage from the board. The main homepage MUST have a link to the webring or have the webring on it!
3. The board should have activity on it at LEAST a few times a month! LOL Hopefully this webring will help keep activity going to it. :)

How to join:
1. Copy and paste the html code below, and place it on your page.
2. Copy the images and load them to your page. Don't link them back to here.
3. Fill out the form below and follow the instructions it gives to complete the submission.
4. You will need to add your email addy where it says --your e-mail-- and enter your name where it says --your name--. You will also need to replace your the xx with your id # where it says --id=xx--. 5. Mail me when you're done and I'll add you! :)

Submit Site To Teen Pregnancy and Parenting Message Board Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords:Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description:Enter a short description of your site.

NOTICE: We collect personal information on this site.  To learn more about how we use your information click here.

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Teen Pregnancy/Parenting Message Board
Web Ring Site Is Owned By
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