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They're all a comforting sight when I walk into my closet.
Black, brown, red.
Some of them have mental or physical breakdowns upon each wearing.
Others are strong and supportive when I start to run.
My favorite is still my brown Dr. Martens
I tried to wear them a while ago
but the tongue kept falling out
as if it were giving me some sort of obscene gesture.
The laces frayed, the signature
yellow stitching marred with debris.
I remember when I bought them
at Track n Trail in 9th grade.
Edwyn Collins' A Girl Like You was playing in the store
and I had just watched Empire Records.
I thought they were everything I had hoped for -
expensive, a sign of status
and acceptance.
I remember how clean they used to be, so simple
Outlasted so many cheaper varieties.
They sit in a box in the basement
at my parents' house.
I'm not ready to say goodbye, so every once in a while,
I try them on and think about an adolescence gone by.


someday I will have something important to say again. I promise.


my online store

I finally opened up a place online to sell my purses. It's brand new (read: they let me list for free) but the setup seems really cool. I'm hoping to make a couple more different styles and post them up in the next few weeks.

Check it out:


still alive...

Happy soon-to-be birthday to me.

Been really busy in this 23rd year. Right now I'm dealing with a monster work project that is sapping all my creativity.

Here's hoping 24 is better.


showing off my latest project

check out my wonderful felted bag!


a weird feeling

so, um...

I think I finished my book tonight.

Like, I'm sure I'll be revising the thing for the next 800 years, and then I'll actually have to work up the nerve to send it out somewhere a zillion times to be rejected, and then it'll be published by the time i'm 85. which is great, cause then I won't fear being sued for libel by any of the people who I've based characters loosely on.

But until i'm 85, I'm going to try to stay positive. I've actually written something. I've stuck with something for almost 2 whole years, and created 90+ pages of SOMETHING.

it's really hard to focus on the positive...